


4 years, 6 months ago


✦ General ✦

Chris for short
He's japanese, but his mother dreamed that he should be named Christopher and noone was able to change her mind
A demon took a liking to him, kidnapped him and turned him into a small yellow bird. After a while the demon modified the curse so he could turn into a giant bird monster and fight as well, but Chris wasn't interested in fighting. What was the point if he couldn't overpower the demon.
A while later Vel and Kao came to fight the demon while on their way to take over Hell. The demon tried to have Chris defend him, but instead Chris immediately turned against him and the three of them killed him. After that Chris stuck with them, becoming a new father-figure for Vel after she modified his curse even more to let him turn into a humanoid as well. Eventually getting in a relationship with Kao

✦ Persoanlity ✦

Chris is stoic and quiet, responsible, thinks things through carefully before he acts. Takes care of the rest of the squad and keeps them from getting too chaotic.
He's had a hard life, even before being kidnapped, and he's very pessimistic. He really loves Vel and the rest, they're like a family, but he expects them to be torn away from him soon too. He tells himself he's used to it, but in reality that thought scares him a lot, hense why he takes such good care of them and tries to keep them safe.
Straight up refuses to play mind games with people that try them, he's very direct but not overly-rude.

✦ Notable traits ✦

  • Very tall
  • He's in his 20s but he appears and acts much older
  • His hair was originally black but turned grey because of the curse
  • Loves all kinds of music, can play a few traditional japanese instruments
  • It's really hard to convince him to sing, tho he does it really well
  • Has trouble sleeping, most of the time he has bags under his eyes
  • Hair is wings, it can move, but he can't fly with it