


9 years, 4 months ago


Name vittoria moretti
Birthplace new york
Gender female
Residence new york city
Age 36
Occupation mob boss
Height 5'8"
Orientation heterosexual
Weight 145
Relationship taken

"the question isn't who is going to let me; it's who's going to stop me"

Many things can be said about Cip; precious little of those are nice. Prim and poised, she presents as any other wealthy socialite. Money has never been a concern, whether in youth or at present. Much of her philosophy aligns with the adage of “an eye for an eye.” Reciprocity is the name of the game, and she’s more than apt at returning what is given. Surrounded by sharks in the water, nothing is left to chance. Cip’s analytical and organized nature have ensured the continued success of the Moretti family. She is always on the watch for new opportunities. Her acumen for underworld politicking is no surprise. Hers is an empire built atop the dead, and she has no intention of relinquishing her crown.

Few are ever ready to face the gravity surrounding Cip. There is an overwhelming weight in the atmosphere that can unnerve even the most resolute. Very little concrete details are known about her history. The number of people who possess such knowledge can be counted on one hand. Anyone caught digging too deep tend to… “disappear.” Much of Cip’s life has been one of cynicism and disillusionment. She is acutely aware the world is governed by greed. Everything has a price. Her ambition is limitless, and she will bring the underworld to heel whether they like it or not. Ask any in the underworld: those “allied” with her mean to say “subservient.”

  • champagne
  • luxury items
  • orchestras
  • organization
  • crowds
  • failure
  • messiness
  • surprises