


4 years, 5 months ago



"Maybe I can teach you guys some Magic!"

5'3 - 5'4
Dari, Jacklyn, All of Dari's Friends, Anything magic related.
Horror, how she can't find her cool glasses anymore, salty foods.
Currently Unemployed

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Kylli is a witch who came from Lamicarro, a land filled with magic users, however she recently moved away from this place and now she currently resides with her two best friends, Dari and Jacklyn. When asked about her origins she will only give a vague answer and not a direct one as a response. She's been living with the two of them for at least over a year now. She's the youngest one out of their dynamic and it shows too, as Dari and Jacklyn try their best to protect her from any harm, either physically or mentally. She's definetely the most 'innocent' out of the group, even more than Dari is, But like Dari, she's not clueless either.

Kylli gets along with Dari and Jacklyn just fine, while Dari treats Kylli as a younger sister, even going as far to where Dari and Kylli have alot of similar interests, and they get along very well. Dari even tries to help Kylli out and protect her as much as he can, as previously stated, but it's kind of turned into where they both protect eachother. They clicked almost immediately once they met, and you could mistake them for actual siblings if they looked more alike. On the other hand Jacklyn and Kylli have a Sister dynamic, where Jacklyn takes the role of being a big sister, and she takes that role seriously too. She wants to make sure Kylli's out of harm, sometimes becoming a little overbearing about it, but she knows when to step off and calm down. In all honesty she cares alot for Kylli, even if she doesn't want to show it, or is too afraid to. But Kylli's able to read Jacklyn like a book. She knows how much she means to her, and she appreciates that entirely. So she considers herself to be very close with Jacklyn as well.

Being a witch Kylli is able to use magic as you would expect, she's pretty basic when it comes to the kind of stuff she can pull off, as she is able to cast the basic magic spells as you would expect, such as elemental magic, basic healing magic, and etc. But sometimes she's able to pull out a really powerful spell when the time calls for it. Although using a powerful spell like that has a draw back, as she becomes out of commission for the rest of the day after using such. But she's doing her best to improve on her magic, and be able to handle using those kind of spells.

Kylli Is the kind of person you'd be able to get a read on somewhat easily, as she's a very sweet girl who does her best to give people a good impression of her. Although sometimes she can come off as rude or ignorant to certain situations, without meaning to. Like in terms of a heavy/emotional situation, she only really knows how to respond in one way, and that way is trying to give the person in distress, as much comfort as possible. She doesn't like to think highly of herself however, and she doesn't put herself down either, she just wants to at least give off a good image of herself. Although, being friends with two non-magic users, she sometimes gets a big head about her being the only witch in the house. But most of the time, Dari is there to snap her back to reality. Despite wanting to give off a good image however, theres a bit of mystery surronding Kylli, as Jacklyn and Dari know where she came from, they don't know much about who she was or what she was doing before she met them both.

  • Magic
  • Shortie
  • Her cool Glasses
  • Purple
  • Y o u
  • Salt
  • Horror
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

Jacklyn "Oh, Kylli? She's- I mean- She's pretty alright- I suppose. She's nice to hangout with- Just don't tell her I said anything about her. Kylli already teases me for showing any affection to anyone in the first place."


Dari "Kylli's like the little sister I never had! She's such a nice person too. Even if she acts like a bit of a clown at times. She even said she might teach me magic at some point!"


profile html by Hukiolukio