Willow Halley



4 years, 5 months ago


Basic information

Appearance description: 
A tall, blonde youthly looking girl with long hair that reaches past her knees. She wears a flower crown made out of conserved flowers and dried wood. She has icy blue eyes and an upturned nose. On her left cheek is a small tattoo of a heart. She wears a necklace/choker with a sapphire stone Her built is svelte with subtle curves. Her attire consists of a blue long broad sleeved shirt, tucked into her wide leg hippy jeans. She wears a large brown belt and simple brown ballerina shoes. All her clothes are handmade.

Full name:Willow Halley
Talent:Ultimate Self-Sustainer
Birthday:June 12rd
Height:1.83 m || 6'0 ft
Weight:67 kg

Public Backstory:  

Willow Halley is known for her independence regarding society. She has proven over and over that humanity is overly dependent on a capitalistic society and modern day technology, while even during the harsh eternal winter she can be self-sustaining to the max. With her knowledge of farming, animal keeping, energy conserving and making clothes she lives a comfortable and healthy lifestyle in the most efficient way possible. She owns an incredibly large part of wild Icelandic ground, obtained by helping out the locals and earned as a gift of gratitude. Willow helped her town become the world’s most eco-friendly and comfortable places on earth to live during this age of eternal winter. Eventually her own land unintentionally became habited by admirers of her lifestyle, becoming the birthplace of a new openly accessible community of people that dealt with the harsh reality of the before mentioned capitalistic society - she helped them build a self-sustaining life, creating a healthy and happy environment for hundreds of people. Willow usually spends her time here to help out the locals, but occasionally visits several cities to do interviews about her incredible achievements in running a fully self-sustaining community, sharing her wisdom and love with the world with the hope that humanity can be saved from themselves in this clearly self-inflicted apocalypse. She is an icon to every nature fanatic, and an example to those to strive to save the planet.

‘I just do whatever I can to contribute to bettering the world! My town and my community welcomes anyone to come and visit to see for yourself how humans can thrive in this world, without polluting our land or sea. We are a powerful species with the ability to change the world for the better, and I am thankful to show it to the world in this wonderful way.’

~ Willow Halley, 2097

Talent description:  She is capable of functioning and living on her own, independent of society without breaking a sweat. She makes clothes, grows food, makes furniture and builds houses while being CO2 neutral and sparing the earth as much inconvenience as possible. Besides being self-sustaining on her own, she is able to create whole self-sustaining communities due to her hard work and talent for independence.

Personality description 
+ Positive traits +- Negative traits - +/- Neutral traits +/-
Natural leaderAnimousNihilistic


  1. Gardening
  2. Knitting
  3. Flowers
  4. Sheep
  5. Chicken
  6. Fairy tales
  7. Woodcrafting


  1. Fire hazards
  2. Pollution obviously
  3. Electronics (she’s not big on that)
  4. Wobbly chairs
  5. Broken glass
  6. Vanity

Inventory: A blue scarf, needle and threat, matches, a self-made mug that says 'live, love, laugh', a picture of her family

Dad - Mr. Halley @ Me
Cousin - Miku Halley @ Me

