Ayane Hisakawa




Ayane Hisakawa

久川 彩音

female • sixteen


kind • loyal • naive

"Have Courage And Be Kind"


Talent: Dog Trainer
Height: 164 cm / 5'4"
Birthday: November 10
Blood Type: B+
Zodiac: Scorpio
S.O.: Rikki Ayase (SHSL Luthier)
Family: Shiro and Hinako Hisakawa (adoptive parents), Maki Yuuma (fraternal twin brother), unknown birth parents


  • Dogs
  • Rikki & Maki
  • Sweets
  • Flowers


  • Rainstorms
  • Bugs
  • Being pitied
  • Showing physical weakness


Ayane was born to unknown birth parents and adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Hisakawa as an infant. When she was a young child, she got into a biting accident with a dog. Her resulting wounds were so severe that her right calf had to be amputated to prevent infection from spreading.

Ever since, she has been walking around with a leg prosthetic, hiding it with thick tights because she doesn’t want to be judged for her disability. Because she uses no other mobility devices such as a cane, crutches, or wheelchair, her secret is nearly undetectable. Her leg does give out often, especially after lots of movement or other exhaustion - a sign she isn’t as healthy as she looks. When asked about it, she plays it off as simply being tired.

After she recovered from surgery, she spent more time with dogs to find out what had caused the dog’s behavior that cost her her leg. She learned a lot about the animals, and applied this knowledge to train them to prevent freak accidents like hers from happening to others. Over the years, she proved she had a real natural talent for it, gaining her the title of Ultimate Dog Trainer.

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