Mao Wildmane (Companion: Tajira)



5 years, 5 months ago



Name || Tajira
Gender || Female
Age || Immortal (Unknown)
Species || Oniron (Dreamcatcher Dragon)
Orientation || Asexual
Guardian Of || Mao Wildmane
Companion Of || Barnabas
Height || 5’5” (At Shoulder)


⇀ Description

Even though she is officially Mao's guardian, she will always step in to defend anyone she sees as weaker than the aggressor. She is instinctively a protector and guardian, it is inherent in her nature. She does tend to spend more time in the physical world then an average Oniron, as she enjoys time in the company of her mortal friends. She also has become very close and enjoys having adventures with Barnabas, the Oniron protector of Jon Wildmane.

Strawberries. She is obsessed with Strawberries. They taste exceedingly sweet and juicy to her. They have almost a similar effect to alcohol in human beings, in that it makes her a little extra giggly and hyper. However, this doesn't make her any less effective in her defense, though they can make her react before she normally would.


⇀ Stats

Affection || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Patience || ★ ★
Temper || ★ ★ ★
Sensitivity || ★ ★ ★
Creativity || ★
Maturity || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Generosity || ★ ★ ★
Optimism || ★ ★ ★
Empathy || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Logical || ★ ★ ★
Bravery || ★ ★ ★ ★
Stamina || ★ ★ ★ ★

Intelligence || ★ ★ ★
Insight || ★ ★ ★
Confidence || ★ ★ ★
Politeness || ★ ★
Focus || ★ ★ ★
Work Ethic || ★

⇀ Preferences


  • Hanging Out W/Friends
  • Stargazing
  • Cuddling


  • Barathroi
  • Mao Getting Hurt
  • People Picking On The Weak
  • Nachos



⇀ Description

Tajira’s eyes and tongue are a bright orange. Her tail and tongue are both prehensile. It is unknown exactly how long her tongue can stretch out. Her neck mane is exceedingly fluffy. Her front and back claws are hard like diamonds and very sharp. While she lives mostly in the dream world, she can cross into the mortal realm and has set her size to be 5’5” at the shoulder. She is therefore taller all over then Mao, and can curl around her to make her feel safe.

⇀ Important Notes

  • Not to be used in NSFW art ever.
  • Obsessed with strawberries. They are her favorite food.
  • Both her tongue and her tail are prehensile and fully controllable.

⇀ Reference


Reference Sheet - Full Sized


⇀ Background

I fell in love with the Oniron species, who were created by Karijn. I loved the idea of a creature born to be a protector. And since I have so many animals in real life, it made sense for me to have companion or pet animals. I waited until a design came out I really clicked with it and that’s how I found Tajira. Oniroi are creatures that prefer the world of dreams and rarely cross into the physical world. They are considered guardians against the nightmareish powers of the Barathroi. Oniroi are immortals and usually choose a lineage to protect. Each member of the family chooses a stone or a trinket that represents their inner peace and adds it to the ones already attached to the Oniron's tail.

She also keeps an eye on Shade Wildmane, as he is the adoptive “son” of Mao and under her protection, and therefore Tajira's. She also keeps a watchful eye over Jedala/Aladej and her daughter Zya, as they are the sister and niece of Mao. She is also very close friends with Barlin who is owned by Dracontiar.

⇀ Meeting Mao

Tajira is an immortal, but she finds herself quite fond of those mortals in the physical world. She often found herself watching them from the dream world, and stepping in every so often if she caught a Barathroi (creatures with nightmareish powers) bothering someone she considered too weak to stand up to them on their own. On one of these observations, she found herself watching Mao. She intervened when a Barathroi attempted to attack her on what seemed like pure instinct, she found herself acting without even thinking. She then found herself coming back again and again to watch Mao. She watched her struggle through her pain, dealing on a daily basis with fibromyalgia. One day, when it got particularly bad, she couldn't stand to just watch any more. She crossed over and curled herself around this fragile yet strong creature. She assured her it would be okay. And she promised to always stay by her side and watch over her. And that was the day she promised herself as Mao's guardian, and the guardian of any lineage in years to come.

⇀ Important Moments

  • Finding Mao and dedicating herself to becoming her companion.
  • Tasting strawberries for the first time.
  • Meeting and growing closer to Barnabas.


563191?1505278038Mao Wildmane [ Under Her Protection ]
Tajira saw Mao suffering and watched her struggle daily with her fibromyalgia. Eventually she crossed over to meet Mao first the first time and from that time forward has dedicated herself to protecting Mao and those close to her.
622257?1490763187Barnabas [ Companion ]
Tajira met Barnabas when Jon and Mao started dating. She got a good vibe from him which is why she was okay with them being together. She has grown quite attached to him and they spend a lot of time together, even when not watching over their respective charges.
622062?1490763318Jon Wildmane [ Friend ]
Tajira loves Jon for how happy he makes Mao. She really enjoys how much happier and healthier Mao has been since they got together. She cares for him and would probably protect him if needed even though he isn’t her official charge.
565476?1489397133Vissa [ Friend ]
Tajira is rather amused by Vissa and finds her quite endearing.

This template was created by lowkeywicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission