


4 years, 4 months ago



  • Storyline - Modern City
  • Gender - Male
  • Height/Body type - 5'4"/Lanky but somehow short
  • Color - Black with white outline
  • Sexuality - Bisexual
  • Friends/Employees - Mayer and Lindsey
  • Enemy - Anyone who inconveniences him
  • Theme - Overcorrection of minor problems
  • Trademark item - Axe


Frankie is the City's prime theatrical content creator. He loves theatre and the lights and the sounds and the sets and feelings of being on stage as well as watching it. He's an aspiring director that's given his best to the big stage. However, he's not really good at what he does, he just has a passion for it. Frankie tries to get others to watch his plays when they're done. He gets extremely offended when someone turns him down and will take swift justified actions (according to him).

He's very impatient and can get easily annoyed when something causes him even the littlest of strife. As such, he's taken to simply chopping the limbs, heads and other bits of those who cause these problems. He feels no guilt whatsoever for any of the crimes he commits. Actually, he feels justified and angry when people are completely horrified. He takes it personally.

His most famous murder is the one he's not charged for. He murdered the previous most famous director and took all of his money after cutting his fingers off and using those to get DNA fingerprints to access the bank account. He's using that to fund his theatrical endeavors.


  • Theatre
  • Acting out
  • Spiced smoothies
  • Young actors
  • Introverts
  • Bad Actors
  • Blood

Look Details

Frankie has black sclera and white pupils. He's usually carrying his axe around. Frankie does not wear normal clothes if he doesn't have to.