somnia vulpes



4 years, 5 months ago



Name somnia vulpes
hemotype gold
Age 17-18 years old
Gender genderfluid (usually she/they)
strife specibi knifekind
lunar sway prospit
classpect void player maybe?
Theme N/A

Your name is SOMNIA VULPES and your head rests in the clouds.

what can you say? there’s not much to see closer down to the ground. normal life is very mundane and upsetting, so you instead escape to the realm of your dreams, where you can feel important and in control of the world around you. in the few waking hours you do have, you often enjoy drawing, in an attempt to paint the beautiful images from your dreams. but other than that, what is there to do? in a world where everything looks dull and gray, it’s hard to glean any real joy from it.

while this oc is listed as a fantroll, due to her being one of my main ocs (as well as falling out of homestuck), she appears more often in my mind as a human now (ref pending). naturally all of the alternia-specific stuff doesn't apply to a human somnia (likely named sara), their personality and demeanor are basically the same.


  • dreaming
  • breakfast foods
  • pastels
  • rainy weather


  • being awake
  • interruptions
  • loud noises
  • bossy people


in somnia's mind, the real world holds too much to cope with for her liking: the constant danger from being a lowblood, her lack of exceptional skills, and the absence of real personal connection with others. instead, she sleeps and dreams, where she is able to feel powerful and confident. due to her disposition as a weaker goldblood, she constantly seeks anything that will make her feel secure, as opposed to someone subject to the whims of the waking world.

when speaking to others, somnia's personality is very fluid: almost like a social chameleon that subconsciously bends to whatever people will find most agreeable. this often leads to her projecting a more polite and dreamy persona than intended, but when she is allowed to speak her mind (particularly with faiere when they are better friends,) she acts far more frank and witty than she gives herself credit for. while later in somnia's pseudo-arc she does realize some of her potential, she eventually concludes that constantly chasing after a version of her that cannot exist is unhealthy, and becomes much more secure in herself and her more passive attitude.


somnia is altogether more interested in sleeping than anything else, but while awake she often likes to draw and paint. she is somewhat invested in being able to properly capture all of which she dreams up, which is anything from star-lit landscapes to towering castles. aside from that, she will partake in anything that captures her imagination: be they books, or games, or a really good song, though all are few and far between, considering she lacks the disposable income to really indulge in any of them. somnia also has to take care of her lusus, a fox, who is deliberately difficult with her in an attempt for somnia to become stronger. somnia loves her lusus very much, so she spends most of her waking hours spending time with her (when she isn't drawing).





faiere fayett (don't click the name, it doesn't go anywhere yet) [ friend ]

somnia meets faiere by listening to some of her music and drawing fanart for it. faiere offers to pay somnia to draw more, which somnia happily takes, and the two begin to bond. both of them dream an excess amount (in varying ways,) and somnia is the more passive of the two, choosing to simply live in her fantasies instead of facing the real world. somnia recognizes faiere's existential struggles and tries to help her by being a convenient distraction or someone who is more down-to-earth. while faiere's fixation on philosophy and meaning in the universe can be a bit irritating to somnia, who has a more go-with-the-flow personality, they both care for each other very much and do what they can to support one another, different they may be.

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