Lash (Perfect Elusion)



5 years, 6 months ago



hj_____by_viinyls-dcmv2ha.jpg Name
Lashin Arc
30 in this body
Fragment (Elusi)
The Nowhere/Illvus
a pawn made queen
Queen of the Dark



Free of her bonds, Lash is willing to strike out at the things that she had ignored previously. She seems to have a hair trigger.


One of her few displays of emotion or attachment to situations is her biting wit. Used to draw attention away from herself and onto the target, and also a helpful tool in keeping her alone.


Though bloodthirsty through and through, she revels in all outlets of emotion now. Where she would have kept silent, she now yells. Where she would have cried, she laughs. 


Everything she wanted that she would have longed for before, she now takes. 


results, ceremony/pageantry, mysteries, solitude, destruction


being trapped, being in water, inane queries, failing





Now more powerful than she was under Siene's thumb, Lash is driven by destruction and a need to please the one who has set her free. 


Within Illvus, Lash is considered a servant of Lady Siene and her house. Outwardly she is presented as a daughter, but many know the truth of her birth. Among other Fragments she is considered an oddity for not having warped her element, and someone of great power for mastering it. With her added Elusi element, she is now more feared than ever. 


Lash avoids small talk whenever possible and is more than comfortable making direct eye contact to end conversations. She is interested in those who show passion on a subject and will give them a little more of her time, though cut it short if it proves uninteresting to her. 


Lash is now bloodthirsty and ready to strike back at those who had held her down for so long. 


  • light on her feet
  • quick decisions
  • disappearing act
  • lying


  • snarling
  • speaking her mind



Once a pawn, always a pawn. Lash has been freed from her servitude to Lady Siene by the seemingly benevolent Marcain. He gifted her a ring in a show of good faith and devotion to her, hoping to test its hold over the powerful Fragment. The ring contained the spirit of a weakened Elusi, broken and reforged by Marcain. Lash would fight the creature for control over her form but being a Fragment and being well practiced in occupying spaces that did not belong to her, she would win. The Elusi exists still, pushed into the background while Lash lives on with its powers added to her own, forever changed. 


As a Fragment, she has the ability to split her sentience into parts provided she offers an important part of herself to power it. They will appear as she does and carry her personality, though some may find one of their own based on their root trait. She must always sacrifice a trait or sense to create a Splinter, be it 'ticklishness' or 'common sense', etc. That new fragment of her will be possessed of all of her memories and a dulled amount of her power and be given to fits of the attribute it was created by. Should she wish to retrieve that part of her she need only to come in contact with it again and she will regain the trait and the power. But should the Splinter be killed in some fashion the power and attribute will be lost to her forever.

Depending on the importance of the trait she has sacrificed the Splinter will grow in power. Giving up "ticklishness" might only allow her a shadow copy, while offering "sight" will create a more substantial image that can operate independently from her.


  • Marcain broke the chain that tied her to Siene and replaced that binding with a ring. She was too fanciful to realize she traded one shackle for another.
  • Dark/Shadow Fragments are the most common element type, but she holds significant power over her element as most have warped. 
  • When younger they ripped 'courage' from her and repeatedly drowned her to raise resistance. Though she has it back, she still fears water.
  • She has had no romantic interests or urges so far. She does hold great regard for Marcain, and may be 'blind' to his faults. 
  • The affinity of the Elusi she inhabits is 'rage' and a big part of how she has changed. 



Lord Marcain [ Sinful Savior ]

An avid collector of all things powerful and interesting, the Sin Fragment notices that Lash is both of those. He has long been the puppeteer in private plots for power and gain but his endgame has always been unclear. He now holds her in his sway. 

Aurul [ Timeless Traveler ]

Lash has little need to interact with other Elusi but upon meeting this one finds she is strangely drawn to him, though he does not feel similarly. He may kill her if given the chance. 

Maldectus [ Unwanted Ally ]

The Death Fragment was given form thanks to a rebellious plot to take down the ruling houses of Illvus and beyond, Maldectus has offered time and time again to free Lash if she would only join him in his quest. He believes in victory through chaos and will eventually tire of offering peace when he could easily win a war. 

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