Katashi Abe



4 years, 5 months ago


Katashi Abe

【 Name 】 Katashi Abe
【 Called 】 Katashi
【 Age 】 21
【 D.o.B. 】 25/12
【 Gender 】 Male
【 Pronouns 】 He/Him
【 Height 】 5’8ft/176cm
【 Weight 】 142lbs/65kg
【 Race 】 Japanese
【 Talent 】 Talentless
【 Alignment 】 Neutral Evil
【 Style 】 Wacky Formal Winter
【 Likes 】 Family, Learning and Making Friends
【 Dislikes 】 Death, Darkness and Being Ignored
【 Theme 】 Murder Monster
【 HTML 】 Wicked

Alone, born, rejected. Left, rescued. Brothers, sisters, happy. Unknown, uncertainty, taken away, darkness, pain, punishment, pain, pain pain painpainpainpainpain...!

Light. New friends, suffering, bearable, sharing, happy.

Explosion, death, death, blood, blood, blood, blood. Help, cries, scream, blood, death, friends, dead, blood, scared. 

Anne, sacrifice, dead. Blood. Scream. Sadness. Alone.

Kill, steal, antagonize, steal, kill. Money. Ignored, Neo Korea, stranded. Trash, bandit. Empathy, null. Savior. Girl, friend, love? No. Gratitude.

Help, talk, friend. Life, change. Better. Alone, not. Someone, share. Burden. Friend. Not alone. Run

Promise, persecution, Yuna. Protect, cost, life. Repay. Savior. Love. Family.

"I promise you... I will protect you, even if I die trying as you're the one... The one who gave a meaning to my existence."











  •  Katashi has participated on The Massacre of Bodom Manor being one of the 6 survivors of the ordeal.
  •  After leaving Bodom, Katashi has isolated himself in the mountains to stop and think what to do with his life. He now lives on an orphanage with Anne, Albretch and the orphaned kids as a caretaker, being seen as the best 'big brother' by them.
  •  He still keeps tabs with the other survivors via letters. He tried to learn how to use a computer once but failed so that's why he prefers to write instead.
  •  Katashi married an ordinary woman named Anastasia when he was on his thirties and they had two children, a boy and a girl. The two lived their entire lives on the same town they met and from time to time visited the orphanage, when they weren't being visited by the children and his friends that is.

 "Friends... Friends... Hah, I have finally learned what that words signifies."

Yuna Hong-Ji

"You know, I've finally met someone like you always told me to... She's a bit headstrong but we get along nicely haha...! I wish you could've met Ana, you two you be friends I bet... Well, now is not time to think about this again. You would get angry at me if I did after all. Rest well Yu. I will always love you. Have a good Christmas on the afterlife."

Byung-Soo Kim

"I-I know we've not been friends for much long bu-but... Um, err... I named... I named my son after you Hyung... I hope you're not angry with on the afterlife...! I wish we could've talked more..."

Royce Durray/Até/YS

"S-So how are things between you and Até? I hope you both are doing good... I've finally got settled too so...! Maybe, we could do a double date someday? Probably not... Anyway, I hope you're all doing ok... Send YS my regards too ok? And before I forget, Merry Christmas. Take care you all!"