


4 years, 5 months ago


  • Whitley "Will" (Ley)

  • Age 19
  • GenderMale
  • Species Witch


Ley is a witch who has a hard time fitting in his new lifestyle. After working for the witch hunters throughout his childhood and teenage years, he has personality problems and a hard time finding what he wants to do with his life. At first, seemingly normal, his mental state is starting to change and fall apart, making him kinda unstable.

"Will" used to be a pseudonym from his spy days, but later in his life, he found out he could use his magic to gender bend and be even more anonymous, so he called his female self Will.

He specialized in mutation magic, but really wants to learn "power" magic.


DoB: 01.04
Height: 187 cm
Weight: 88 kg
Sexuality: homosexual
Blood Type: AB +
Bought for/ Design worth: -
Current worth: -
Magic percentage (From 100% above, it's corruption): 67%

  • xips
  • criminology
  • being praised
  • books and reading
  • storms and wind
  • being alone in a room
  • -


intelligent, calm, disciplined, deceitful, self-critical, good at liying and acting, can be easily bossed around, but doesn't mind it


Early Childhood

When he was young his parents were killed by witch hunters and he was taken by the Union and trained as their spy. When that happened a blizzard was happening so Ley subconsciously remembered the sound of the wind blowing at that time. Because of that he developed a bad case of ancraophobia. Ley used to be a witch who works for the With Hunters Union, as a spy, sent to join witch gangs or go to witches' hangouts and learn more about them and report everything to The union. From time to time he got to torture for answers or assassinate "important" witches such as gang leaders whose security is too high for a witch hunter to get close. Ley bears the "Witch Hunters' mark"- a small tattoo hidden behind his ear which grants him immunity from the hunters.

For a long time he had to mold his personality based on his surroundings. He had to act like a different person when he was spying, when he was with the witch hunters, and etc. Because of that Ley has problems with his personality and his attitude changes based on his surroundings. 

A Better Life?

Ley's last mission was to spy Seraya and his gang. Everything was going smoothly until Seraya found out the truth and tried to kill him. Ley knew that his failure would be punished by the witch hunters by death. After running away from Seraya and thinking for some time he was ready to accept his faith and told his colleagues the truth. Fortunately the witch hunter who raised him didn't allow them to kill him and Ley was let go of all responsibilities with the Union. That point in his life took his fear of death away, since he had accepted his fate, but surprisingly wasn't killed.

He tried starting a new life, getting a job and finding actual friends friends. Meanwhile he developed a crush on Mavu, which was unfortunately doomed since Mavu wasn't single.


20991712_d7gqDAxmjVmgyZL.pngUnfortunately very soon after Whitley got the hang of life a natural disaster struck and everyone had to leave the city. He and his friends moved to Serpent's Gate. There his friends suddenly forgot about him (at least from his point of view). This really broke him and he felt abandoned alone in the world once again. A bunch of pirates found him drunk in a bar and seeing he is a witch they wanted him to become one of them. Since Whitley had nothing to lose he agreed and became a pirate.

Later he also worked for Scintilla as a sailor, but depression sunk in and he realized he was becoming suicidal, so decided to seek help from a professional. That's when he met Saffron.


After discussing things with Saff, Ley realized he was depressed because he wanted a relationship and a job he actually loved and was good at. While they were trying to figure out how to help him, a serial killer started roaming the streets of Serpent's gate, and actually caught Ley's interest. Ley was a bit worried why exactly that was interesting to him and expressed his worries to Saff who seemed to take interest in Ley and his behaviour and thoughts. Because of that killer Ley actually found a job he likes doing, a criminologist. He even found love, and seemed like things were finally coming together in Ley's life until he found out Saff was the "Flower killer". 

Ley tried forcing himself to be disgusted by that fact, but it was actually the complete opposite. Even before he had found out who the killer was, Ley was fascinated by how clean and carefully arranged the crime scenes were. Ley had been taught what morals he should follow, but because of the way he was raised, he only knew them, but didn't feel them really. In his mind things that should be wrong are okay for him. And so Ley found himself attracted to Saff. What he was doing was bringing back Ley's excitement from his first job which he thought he didn't like.

The Spark is Back

In order to get the police off Saff's tracks in the "Flower killer" investigation, Ley used magic to become a woman, and killed instead of Saff, making sure at least one person witnessed the scene.

Ley spent his whole youth being controlled. When he was finally free of the WHU, he couldn't shake off the feeling of despair. He felt as if he wasn't controlling his life, but was just a mere spectator. This made him feel horrible and when he killed for Saff, the feeling of having the say whether someone lives or dies made him feel good. It wasn't his first time killing, but it made him feel different. It was the first time that he chose to do it.


[ acquaintance; enemy? ] Will enjoys annoying Basil by calling him "big brother". Although he tried to be nice to him first he later realized Basil is a cold and heartless person.


[ best friend ] Yes was the only one who really wanted to help Ley after he got kicked out of the WHU, and he really loves her since then.


[ good friend ] Ley calls him Mony and thinks he looks like a kitten. At first they weren't very close, but Lim allowed him to live with him and Sam, when Ley didn't have anywhere to go, since then they've become closer.

Rem and Viktor


[ friends ]


[ friend; father figure 


[ ex-crush; very close friend ] Mavu helped Ley get on his feet after being thrown out of the Witch Hunters' Union. Whitley really enjoyed his company and had some feelings for him for a while, but had to give them up as Mavu had already had a boyfriend.

Ley really regrets not doing something to keep Mavu.


[ best friend ] Ley and Nasko became very close while working on Scintilla's ship. Ley knows he can count on Nasko and likes hanging out with him.


[ ex-boyfriend ] Ley finds Andre very handsome and attractive, but at first he was unsure if they would get along. Fortunately Andre made the first step and they started dating.

Ley really liked Andre and didn't want to lose him like he lost Mavu, but things didn't work out.


[ boyfriend ] At first Ley went to Saff to seek help for his depression, but soon after asked him for help in a serial killer investigation, who later turned out to be Saff. Fortunately for Saff, Ley missed the excitement from his job as a spy, so he decided not to report him, and observe Saff's career as the "Flower killer". 

Ley loves Saff's company as he feels he is the only one who wouldn't judge him for anything and he could talk to him about anything. He also loves how smart Saff is and that makes him a good discussion partner for Ley, who loves sharing all his thoughts and feelings with Saff.

Ley became strangely attracted to Saff after finding out he is the killer, and that scares him, because he knows it's wrong.


[ best friend ] Ley likes Thyme's company and sees him as one his closest friends. Thyme has helped him many times and Ley is really thankful to him for that.


[ ??? ] Ley likes teasing and scaring him.
