Darth Syllek



4 years, 4 months ago





A Sith kept mostly away from the public eye, whose goal isn’t to fight and kill or to conquer, Darth Syllek is a Sith more focused on assisting the Empire from deep within its walls. His role is as the one who pries information out of victims captured by others in the Empire, whether it be another Sith or a squadron of their military. When someone is captured that has information that could be vital to the Empire and its goals, they are brought to his domain, where he- nearly without fail- will manage to get the information out of them somehow. He has no sympathy for those brought under his ‘care’, but harbours no grudges or ill-will either; he is merely getting the job done.

Because of this role, however, he does not often travel beyond his domain, and when he does it is purely a business affair, perhaps to visit an outpost to personally meet and captive, or because his presence or guidance is requested, but he does not partake in battle himself, instead staying to the back of conflicts and draining the vitality out of enemies to fuel his allies, which makes him an excellent ally to have within the ranks of the Empire… And also one that most Sith do not feel the need to be suspicious of, as Darth Syllek has made it clear that he seeks not for power, only to further the Empire, and keep it moving ahead in the way that he knows best.


Lithe, not muscular
Hair color
Hair style
  • Never seen in anything but full attire.
  • Always straight-backed, doesn't slouch.
  • Doesn't actually need to rely on his cane to stand.
  • His force lightning is the typical purple-ish blue.



  • Serious
  • Manipulative
  • Confident
  • Aloof


  • To be left alone
  • Compliance
  • Silence
  • Music


  • Being touched
  • Lying
  • Being ignored
  • Idiots

"How I gain the information matters not- torture, manipulation, persuasion; so long as I get what I am searching for, that is all that matters in the end."

A cold and calculating man, Darth Syllek is not a cruel one by true desire to be cruel. His methodology is one focused on ‘End justifying the means’; the end he seeks is whatever information he might need to pry from a person who enters his ‘care’. He has very little true emotion or attachment, but is very good at putting on a face- or, rather, mannerism- to make it appear that he is angered, or sad, or afraid, or affectionate. He uses this skill to his advantage in conversation, and very little conversation is ever started by him unless there is a purpose or a goal in mind, so be wary should he deem it necessary to approach you.

This lack of proper personality, and adaptability to creating new personalities on a whim, makes him and his motives very difficult to pin down. With one person, he will be a cold-hearted man who does nothing but scoff and disdain towards the one who he is speaking to, but to another he might be soft and understanding, reassuring, a kind gentleman, and he can switch between both personalities on a dime. It is a large part of what makes him such an eerie figure to be around- he shifts himself and how he presents himself based on the emotional state and responses of those he meets, and he will similarly manipulate their emotions to better suit his goal, which makes him a terrifying individual to debate with.


Strength 25%

Stamina 60%

Force Ability 90%

Resistance 65%

Accuracy 75%

Courage 45%

Strategy 80%

Luck 40%


Whether it be through torture, or soft words and warm promises, Darth Syllek is good at getting information out of people. He of course doesn't care about the person in the end, but they don't need to know that.

Force Lightning

As most Sith can, Darth Syllek is particularly skilled at creating and manipulating force lightning to his advantage. He doesn't use it in combat, as he doesn't see battle much, but it is a quite effective motivator to get information, he's found.

Force Drain

As other Sith Inquisitors are capable of, Darth Syllek knows how to pull the vitality out of his foes for his and his allies' gain. It is mostly a combat tactic, though, so he doesn't have as much practice with it as others of his rank.



In the beginning...

Hailing from a world where being a Force user was frowned upon heavily, to the point of exile or execution, his family- though upper class, and therefore with their own safeguards- had his blood tested to reveal whether or not he would be proficient with the Force or not. Their suspicions were made true, it seemed, as the test came back showing a high aptitude for connection with the Force… And so, the family fled, not keen on losing their first and only child, especially when any children in the future would likely be cursed in the same way. He was taught from the very beginning to avoid intense emotions, or showing upset, to avoid any manifestations of his connection, to the point of heavier discipline if he was unable to follow through considering his child-like nature.


Though his parents did a very good job of hiding him away from prying eyes, his aptitude and connection with the Force was something much more difficult to hide from those such as other heavy Force users, or those with specific abilities honed in on finding other Force users. He was still very young when he and his parents were hunted down. His parents stood no chance in the face of such powerful Dark Side Force users, and they were cut down with no hesitation at their attempts to hide him… But by this point, the young boy was terrified of his parents for how they treated him, and so his confliction upon their deaths was used to the Dark Side users’- Sith, as he’d later learn- advantage. They stole him away while his mind was caught in turmoil, and brought him to the one that would become his new Master.

And so...

From then forward, he was trained to harness and hone his skills with the Force, and especially the Dark Side of the Force. His ability to show proper emotion was, unfortunately, broken by then by his parents’ teachings and discipline in their attempts to hide him, but he was able to focus his drive, and manipulate his mind to give off the impression of emotion, and this determination allowed him to excel in his role and in his training. He felt himself indebted to the Master who took him away from his parents and, instead of shunning and forcing him to hide who he was and his abilities, helped him to thrive, and so he decided to dedicate himself however he could… This choice ended with him using his calm and calculated nature to gather information from prisoners, and this role only escalated from there. He steadily got much better at his job, and eventually became renowned for his skills- both in a pleased manner by his Master, and fearfully from the rest of the Galaxy.


Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.