


4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Adult, above 100 years for sure


asexual aromantic

Actual name


Stage name



Invader zim oc!

 So, an irken that prob did treason or smth, and was planned for a formal execution but he escaped bc he’s a pilot ace, and it was just covered up as an exile instead. He came to Earth and is living his best life there. He hates Irk, which only spiked in intensity when he realized how great Earth culture was, music, punk, rock, fashion, etc. And with some extra programming in his pak, he now has the voice of a god, with maybe some pak autotune but nobody has proof lol, and he became a rockstar. He’s been living on Earth for a long time by now and loves it, would def protect it from alien invasion. He’s very disconnected from all the current interspace news & politics. Zim is on Earth?? Oh shi- He doesn’t have any irken technology since he had to escape quick, but he does remember how to build a lot of it so if it comes down to it...

He’s very open to emotions and feels them very much so, which is a reason of his bad relationships with irk. Most often in a very good mood~ Sassy & high spirited, a ray of sunshine rlly. He loves being the center of attention and swimming in it, be it praise or even scandals. While he himself doesn't find anyone attractive, he feels a certain pride when people say he is. He also likes human languages and funny words, snazzy is his favorite word to describe himself. He watches animes & has learned japanese for convenience. He has a very human-like pattern of speech, with human expressions etc. He uses a lot of meme words and knows a surprisingly big amount of pop culture references, I guess not sleeping helps. He’s pretty polite and friendly in how he speaks.

He still likes stuff like piloting and hunting, he has tons of hunting trophies. Doesn’t hunt that often but always do so illegally bc he’s above earth laws obviously™️. 

Fashion disaster or fashion genius? Both, both is good. But his style was rlly inspired with a duo I saw at the thrift store the other day! Curly mohawk, animal furs & ponchos and they were both rlly cool™️ my gremlin son has crocs and fishnets tho bc of course he does, I might give him a weird belt too! He wears a wig even in his alien form bc he likes how it looks btw. He likes getting nice pins for his crocs and wears yellow and black crocs interchangeably. One of his first fan knit his gloves for him & he loved it. He has like, no friends tho.

He may or may not sometimes makes himself seen in his alien form on purpose to cause media uproar for extra clout. Loves his life in fame and luxury and life is great 

Him with his fans lowkey
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