Strawberry Tiramisu Cookie



4 years, 5 months ago


Cookie Name: Strawberry Tiramisu
Human Name: Tia
Age: Adult
Pronouns: She/Her/It
Rank: Epic
Playability in CoMT: Yes
Magic Candy: Yes
Birthday September 29
Orientation: Hetero Ace
Candy Ingredient: Strawberry Topper
Sign: Libra
Alignment: Lawful Good
Daily Gift: Rainbow Cubes
Wiki-Styled Bio: Link







  • Baking
  • Her friends
  • Cold places
  • Books
  • Warm areas
  • Violence
  • People being upset
  • Being upset herself

I wish I could finally travel the world!


Strawberry Tiramisu Cookie was baked differently from the rest of the Cookies. Even compared to her two other tiramisu-based siblings, because of her highly heat-sensitive ingredients, Misu had to be frozen and re-baked a lot to maintain her shape. She melts easily and is therefore restricted to cooler areas.

Wishing to travel to new places, Strawberry Tiramisu Cookie often engrosses herself in cookbooks from around Earthbread to learn more about the world through its sweets. One day, she wishes to finally be able to break her restraints and finally discover venture to rest of the world.

Affection Jelly

It's scary to step out the comfort zone, but the adventures are rewarding!

Skill: Ingredient Jellies appear at certain intervals. Collect four Ingredients Jellies to activate Strawberry Tiramisu Cookie's skill, where she will rotate through baking three sweets. The Mousse Cake transforms jellies into Mousse Jellies, the Sugary Cupcakes destroy obstacles, and the Jam Pie creates slippery jam that activates Blast Mode and gains Jam Slide Points. Mascarpone Jellies appear after the skill ends. Level up for more Mousse Jelly Points, Sugary Cupcake Points, and Jam Slide Points.

Candy Skill: Strawberry Tiramisu Cookie bakes a fourth sweet, the Strawberry Tiramisu Cake. The cake restores Energy and creates Strawberry Glaze Jellies. The stronger the enchanted power, the more Energy restored and more points from Strawberry Glaze Jellies.

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  • I wish to travel the world!


  • I wonder what it’s like in hotter places...
  • I want everyone to be happy!
  • It’s a pleasure to bake for everyone!
  • Naive? Of course not!
  • The rest of the Cookie World is so fascinating...!
  • What’s it like being able to go everywhere?
  • Sweets are my passion!


Daily Gift

  • I hope you like this!


  • How is everything going?
  • Would you like me to bake something for you?
  • I would love to know about the outside world!
  • I want to learn about the sweets around the world!
  • I believe everyone deserves something sweet!
  • It’s a bit boring being trapped inside during summer...
  • Do you want to learn how to bake?


  • Stay safe! (Given Delivery Train Key)
  • These ingredients are splendid! Thank you! (Given all other liked items)
  • Oh, for me? Thank you! (Neutral)


  • I've melted...

Strawberry Tiramisu has long, brown hair that changes from reddish, to pink, and to a creme yellow. Her eyes are duo-colored with the main color being a light olive and the second part being a light pink. She has a pink blush on her cheeks.


Black Licorice Cookie
[ Friendly ]

“He doesn’t speak much, but I love being around him!”

Ever since first meeting, Strawberry Tiramisu showed warmth to Black Licorice, keeping in contact with him even after her return to the Cookie World. Black Licorice trusts her deeply and the two mutually protect each other at all costs.


Herb Cookie
[ Trust ]

“What a sweet Cookie! We make a great team for gifts.”

With Herb’s collection of beautiful flowers and bouquets combined with Strawberry Tiramisu’s sweets, they create the greatest gifts for events and perhaps even loved ones. (icon by gloomyneptunian)


Raspberry Tiramisu Cookie
[ Family ]

“My wonderful brother! I wouldn't be anywhere without him!”

There is no sibling bond stronger than these two! Strawberry Tiramisu and Raspberry Tiramisu have always been protective and supportive of each other from the start, and will always see the best for the other sibling. (character by Abricot_confit)


Tiramisu Cookie
[ Family ]

“Do you need anything to eat before you head out?”

Tiramisu, being the youngest of the Tiramisu siblings, is always being watched out for by his older siblings. Strawberry Tiramisu always makes sure to pack him some snacks before he goes out!


Frost Queen Cookie
[ Admiration ]

“How do you stay frozen? Can I learn?”

Having heard of the Frost Witch from legends, Strawberry Tiramisu wonders if she can find a way to stay cold without melting.


Espresso Cookie
[ Friendly ]

“Welcome back! Would you like the usual?”

On the very rare occasion Espresso takes a break, he will often go to Strawberry Tiramisu's bakery for a quick bite. He always orders the same cake, coffee flavored, that Strawberry Tiramisu has memorized his order.

HTML by lowkeywicked