Harley (Joker of Spades)



4 years, 5 months ago


Harley Blaise Husk

Age: 22 (17.2 Celeths, their form of years)

Height: 5'6

Orientation: Bisexual

Rank: Lieutenant, Head of Spades Suit.

Abducted from his home by Kaizenian soldiers during the second war with Morvak when he was only 4, he was given as a gift to a Kaizenian general.
He grew up a servant to the general's family and adapted to Kaizenian culture, rather than learning Morvakan culture.
The general treated him well enough, gave him food, clothes, a basic education, but only considered him a servant and nothing more.
Harley was very quiet and slippery as he learned not to speak out of turn, and how to get into every tiny or high-up space to clean them.
His last name was replaced with Husk, as is usual for servants and slaves in Kaizen. He can't be bothered to change it.

The general owed Rex one hell of a debt thanks to a gambling problem and a few lost shipments of goods. He paid that debt by giving Harley to him when Harley was 17.
Rex immediately recognized Harley's talent and his eye for detail and put him to work as his Lieutenant and the Joker of Spades.

Harley is brave, outspoken, and observant, all traits which make him dangerous to would-be assassins, and Rex has seen many. He would protect Rex with his life and is doggedly loyal to him, enforcing his word among the gang and sometimes amongst the other lieutenants as well. Harley will also execute any order given to him by Rex without hesitation or question, and Rex has tested this:
"Harley... I want you to take this gun, put it to your head and pull the trigger on my word." Rex slid a six shooter over to Harley who turned slightly pale and his expression slightly sad.
"Now." Rex ordered, Harley grabbed the gun swiftly and put it to his head, pulling the trigger. It clicked. The gun was empty. Harley blinked up at Rex, surprised.
"That, Jack, is why I trust this man with my life." He growls at his oldest lieutenant in the corner. "You can doubt him all you like. But he listens to me without question."
"Do you even know how to fight kid?" Jack asked snidely.
"Do you have any idea how many times I got mugged just going from the general's manor to the store and back?! Yes I know how to fight." Harley snarled.

From that day forward, no one doubted Harley's loyalty to Deck 56.
Not even Jack, the cynical bastard.

Despite being Morvakan, he has a keen interest in fire magic, and eventually does learn how to use it from Nim and Tezlarana. 

He doesn't care that Valeriana is Morvakan, he sees her as a slave with a decent attention to detail, nothing more.