Deck 56

It's a gang of 56, currently in charge is the "King of Hearts" Rex.
There are a 56 members because the 52 regular cards, + 1 for a joker of each suit.
His lieutenants are jack of clubs, ace of diamonds and Harley, the joker of spades.
Every member has a card designation in the deck, and carries that card with them.

There is only one leader, who is designated a King and his former card passed to someone else.
The surviving liutenants or leaders who are retired from the previous leadership are the other three kings.
You can change suit, but it's VERY uncommon. You usually stay the same card designation for your entire time in the Deck.
The only times your card changes, is if you trade (Under the permission of each's liutenant), or rank up to one of the mid ranks or leader.

Number cards are the lowest rank, Jacks, Jokers and Aces are the mid rank, Liutenants and Queens are the second highest, The King is the highest ranked role.
Retired Kings have about the same amount of power as the Queens, and their advice is highly sought.
Liutenants keep their card designation from their previous rank.