Jack of Clubs



4 years, 5 months ago


Jack Benson Silver-Glass

Age: 43 (33.7 Celeths, their form of years.)

Height: 5'9"

Orientation: Heterosexual

Rank: Lieutenant, Head of Clubs suit

Born and raised in Kaizen by a wealthy family, no one has any idea WHY he left the family business to become a soldier during the first Morvakan war. What confuses people further, is that he joined Deck 56 before leaving for the first war. His parents begged him to come back on multiple occasions, but again, no one knows why he refused.
At the end of the first war, Jack found a young Rex skulking around the edge of his camp. He brought Rex back to Kaizen, and became somewhat of a father to him. 

During the war he also met an Avilani woman named Rina. She was the healer who patched him up after he barely survived a grenade. In between the wars the two had a passion driven relationship. They broke up before the second war, and he never found out she was pregnant, with Nim.
Until he gets a letter from Sharzal asking him and the other leaders of the Deck to come to Sharzal.

Jack is cold, untrusting, and very straight-forward. If he doesn't like you, you will know. He's in charge of the Deck's finances, both obtaining more, and spending it appropriately.
He was Rex's instant pick for lieutenant when Rex became leader, and serves him dutifully. Though he will sometimes nudge and question Rex in an attempt to get him to think things through a bit more thoroughly. The only reason he trusts Ace is because he watched him grow up, he has little to NO trust or respect for Harley until Harley willingly puts a gun to his own head on Rex's order.

Jack is absolutely racist toward Morvakans, and has little respect or trust for Veltish due to their extremely passive nature when it comes to outside politics.

He's good friends with all four of the Queens, and is the one who brought Ace to the Queen of Diamonds.
He also was the one who asked the Queen of Spades to find a woman for them to share, with a preference for Morvakians.
Thats how they got ahold of Valeriana.