Destiny Evingar (TV Tropes)



The DragonLord of Light, and the Hero of the prophecy. Des is an unusually compassionate person, but nevertheless, she is one of the fiercest and most powerful heroes Lore has ever known. 

  • The Ace: She's a DragonLord, a SoulWeaver, an Ascendant, a Paladin, and an Archivist, and tends to swap between the powers of all of those classes depending on her needs at the moment. She's also highly proficient at all of those classes and is a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • Action Girl: She's a girl who's a hero. 'Nuff said.
  • All-Loving Hero: She genuinely cares for everyone she comes into contact with—even the villains.
  • Alternate Self: To her MechQuest counterpart, Loritha "Lori" Desford.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • Sepulchure. By far the heroes’ longest-running enemy, with virtually all of the events of Book 1 being able to be traced back to him. His actions are ultimately what set Destiny on her path to begin with. Even when the two are forced to team up, it’s very clear that there’s still a lot of animosity and nothing has changed between them.
    • Baron Jaysun Valtrith. Taking Sepulchure’s spot as the main threat of the Friday the 13th invasions, Valtrith also adds an even more personal reason to fuel Des’s hatred when he kills Serenity. On Valtrith’s side, at first, it’s a case of Worthy Opponent but eventually descends to wanting to see Des suffer more than anything else.
    • Caitiff, who poses an even bigger threat, having a very personal vendetta against Des for stopping the Shadowscythe years back. Caitiff dedicates its time to studying Des and avoiding the mistakes of her past enemies. Caitiff also becomes one of her most personal enemies after enslaving Aura.
  • Badass Adorable: Young Des in the quest "Light in the Shadows," where you play as a young Artix sent to rescue her. A cute 6-year-old who happens to be very proficient at channeling light into rocks in order to disintegrate undead.
  • Barrier Warrior: All of her classes grant her access to different magical shield abilities. She most often uses the Darkness Dragon Spirit if she needs a magic shield.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Yes, she is one of the kindest, gentlest people on Lore. She will also kick your ass if you threaten it.
  • Big Damn Reunion:
    • Years after her mother Nora's death, Des is reunited with her after finding out that she had become an Elemental Spirit. After bonding as Weaver and Ally and returning to the mortal plane, their reunion is an almost desperate hug with plenty of Tears of Joy.
    • The "Pandora's Call" mini-chain has Des accompanying Angel back into the Deep Void when Pandora mysteriously summons them. The ending sees Tomix Back from the Dead, upon which both women cry and tackle him.
      • Des: "Tomix... Is that really you?"
        Tomix: "Of course. I did tell you I was a redhead, didn't I?"
        Des hugs him with a smile and tears in her eyes.
        Des: "You jerk."
  • Bullet-Proof Fashion Plate: Invoked with her SoulWeaver garb; soulwoven cloth is magically durable to the point that it can’t be destroyed by force.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: When they were kids, Artix rescued Des from a necromancer who wanted to steal her magic to augment his own. They stayed in contact ever since. Fast forward to the end of Book 1, and Artix uses the power of True Love's Kiss to overcome the Necrotic Sword of Doom's hold over Des.
    • Fast forward again to Book 3? They're engaged.
  • The Chosen One: She's the hero destined to either save or destroy the world. Through some shenanigans, turns out it was "save".
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Has shades of this. She wants to save as many people as she can from the forces of evil, and she very often does.
  • Combat Medic: One of her most oft-used DragonLord skills is the Wind Dragon Spirit, a powerful HoT (Heal over Time).
  • Demonic Possession: How she's corrupted by the NSoD; the spirit inside it possesses her. But her inner strength allows her to resist just enough for Artix to get to her and free her.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She's beaten a giant darkness dragon that ate the freaking sun.
    • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: The entire Orb Saga, once Sepulchure and the Mysterious Stranger get serious about halfway through. Yeah, Des and her friends beat Sepulchure to five of the Orbs and put several villains out of commission in the process, but that's rendered entirely moot by Sepulchure's plans and his massive spy network, and Des is so out of her league in comparison and so focused on finding the Orbs one-by-one that Sepulchure manages to make her look completely ineffectual for a moment. None of this holds a candle to the Mysterious Stranger, though, who was able to play Des and Sepulchure against each other so perfectly that he ends up receiving a very powerful weapon he deems worthy of binding himself to in the form of Drakath's slain body, which is what he really wanted all along.
  • Dragon Knight/Dragon Rider: Not only is she partnered with the World Destroyer Dragon (which she named Aura, by the by), but she also has a wide array of elemental dragon magic at her disposal as a DragonLord.
  • Elemental Powers: While light is her innate alignment, Des can use several other elemental magic types, provided she wields the proper staff to focus it.
  • Enemy Mine: Several examples.
    • Book 1:
      • Des and Artix team up with Vayle (who has been antagonizing them up to this point) to stop Noxus.
      • During the Final 13th, she ends up fighting alongside Sepulchure in order to defeat Drakath. They do not do this peacefully.
    • Book 3: Des and her friends find themselves working alongside members of the Rose every so often.
      • She and Galliteo end up working with Magus Hansa to defeat a newly re-empowered Sek-Duat.
      • Des and Yolie later work alongside Raven and Magus Neron (and even the vampire queen Safiria!) to find a cure for lycanthropy and rescue Thursday from Lord Frydae XIII.
      • The Greenguard Alliance sees the opposing factions of the Vind (which Des is a part of), the Rose, and the Magesterium's Golden Hand all joining forces to combat sabotage of the Magesterium's portals.
  • Evil Costume Switch: When possessed by the Necrotic Sword of Doom, Des's golden DragonLord armor is transformed into the dark red DoomKnight armor. Once she's freed, she swaps back to her golden armor.
  • Experienced Protagonist: Nearing the end of Book 1 and onwards, Des is regarded as an expert in all matters of heroism. She is often assigned as general during wars, while younger heroes look to her as a mentor.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Vilmor; from strangers to (questionable) enemies to solid friends after getting in a good fight alongside each other.
  • Flash Step: SoulWeavers have an ability called "soulblink" which allows them to move at incredible speeds while leaving behind streaks of energy corresponding to their soul. Des's trail is a pale gold-white.
  • Fusion Dance: All SoulWeavers have the ability to synchronize with their SoulAllies. Logically, Des can do this with Nora, but she very rarely does.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Once she dons her DragonLord armor, she adopts a gold and white color scheme that basically becomes her signature color palette. This, her use of light magic, and her almost universally kind and merciful demeanor are what really invoke this trope.
  • Good Counterpart: Destiny and Aura against Sepulchure and Fluffy.
  • Hero Protagonist: A given, considering she's the hero of Lore.
  • Holy Hand Grenade/Light 'em Up: She almost exclusively uses Light magic, and she knows full well how to use it offensively.
  • Hope Bringer: Whenever people see her golden armor and dragon, they know they'll be safe.
  • Ideal Hero: Downplayed. She's a genuinely good, light-filled person whom a lot of other heroes look up to. However, she has an extreme prejudice against beings of darkness due to her experiences with a necromancer as a child.
  • I Just Want To Be Normal: Seriously comes to a head in Book 3. Des never asked to be the hero of the prophecy, but hell if she'll let evil win because she stood by and refused the call. It's definitely wearing on her, though; she actually rants at Jaania during the gala because she's so frustrated that nobody understands this.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: On the corrupted friend side of one of these between herself and Artix. He wins and gets her back, of course.
  • In-Series Nickname:
    • Most people who are close to her call her Des.
    • Her parents gave her the Affectionate Nickname "little dove."
  • Instant Armor: Des magics her armor on and off as the situation demands. What, you think it's practical to walk around in the Evolved DragonLord armor all the time? That's almost the bulkiest armor in the game!
  • It's Personal: The most personally invested Des has ever been in defeating a villain was when fighting Baron Valtrith and Caitiff. Valtrith kills Serenity, whom Des had regarded as a sister, to revive himself and provide Caitiff with a host, and then Caitiff goes on to corrupt Aura and turn her against Lore. Des is livid by the final boss battle.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: When the Magesterium attacks the royal gala in Swordhaven, Des doesn't even bother summoning any armor, only equipping her SpiritLooms. This leaves her to fight in an extremely fancy (albeit soulwoven) gown as she attempts to take King Alteon and Princess Victoria to safety.
  • Kid Hero: She started her journey when she was 14.
    • Kid Hero All Grown-Up: Fast forward to Book 3, and she's 24 years old, and a lot taller and more physically fit.
  • Knightly Sword and Shield: Technically glaive, but the contrast of a bladed weapon and a shield still stands.
  • The Leader: Someone has to be. In the usual group of six, Des, acting as a mixture of Charismatic and Level-headed, is the most likely to take control and give everyone else direction.
  • Light Is Good: She's highly prolific with her natural Light magic and is unquestionably a hero and champion of good.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Des and Tomix seem to have become this during the time skip between Books 2 and 3. They’re incredibly close, but there are no romantic feelings between them, as Des is engaged to Artix and Tomix has unresolved feelings towards Angel.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Her DragonLord armor features a shield decorated with a dragon's head design. She uses it to bash into enemies and stun them as often as to block attacks.
  • Magic Knight: Invoked when she becomes a DragonLord. She does not shy away from augmenting her melee hits with both Light and Dragon magic.
  • Magnetic Hero: She's almost universally loved by the people she meets, and even her enemies respect her.
  • Meaningful Name: Destiny is the hero who is destined to save the world. Doubles as a Stealth Pun.
  • Missing Mom: Her mother, Nora, died when she was five. Des carries an old sketch to remember her face.
    • Averted in the time skip between Books 2 and 3, as Nora turns out to have been a Tkaanie native and a SoulWeaver, and became a Light Spirit when she died. She becomes her daughter's SoulAlly when Des becomes a SoulWeaver herself.
  • Mythical Motifs: Dragons. Though all the heroes are DragonLords, Des is the one who wears the armor most consistently, and thus dragons are most heavily associated with her. Driven home by the fact that Danyel, who barely knows her, weaves dragons into her gala gown.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Des and her friends' efforts to retrieve the Elemental Orbs only resulted in making them easier for Sepulchure to procure for himself later and form the Ultimate Orb.
    • Also, turns out that destroying said Ultimate Orb to stop the SMUDD actually threw the elements into disarray. Cue Book 2.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Des is kind, gentle, and compassionate to a fault. Yelling is a very bad sign.
  • The Paladin: Literally. Artix taught her how. She's also just generally dedicated herself to fighting the forces of evil wherever she finds them.
  • Pimped-Out Cape: It glows, for one, and it's adorned with golden wings that also periodically flash and glow.
  • Power Floats: Some of her most powerful abilities cause her to temporarily float as they charge.
  • Psychic Link: DragonLords can naturally communicate telepathically with their bonded dragons. Des learns to do this with Aura at some point before Book 3.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Exactly what Caitiff didn't intend for Des to reach when it corrupted Aura, having aimed more for Despair Event Horizon. The normally calm and level-headed woman was snapping at people left and right because she was so upset that Caitiff had taken her beloved dragon, and she even delivered an uncharacteristically aggressive Pre-Mortem One-Liner before tearing into Caitiff at the end of the Black Winter.
    • Des: "When I am through with you, not even the darkness will be able to reclaim what is left..."
  • Red Baron: Her gold and white DragonLord armor coupled with her use of Light magic has a lot of the general populace calling her the DragonLord of Light by Book 3.
  • Screw Destiny: No, not like that. Attempted upon Des by Sepulchure when he corrupted her with the Necrotic Sword of Doom. It didn't work.
    • Ultimately foiled with a Prophecy Twist when fighting the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich. Des and Aura avoided destroying the world by destroying the planet-sized SMUDD instead, while Fluffy ultimately fulfilled its role of savior by giving them the SMUDD's weak point.
  • Shield Bash: The name of the stun skill of the DragonLord armor, and an oft-used tactic by Des.
  • Soul Power: As a SoulWeaver, Des can directly attack her opponent's souls, and can also weave a special, indestructible cloth with SoulThread created by her SoulAlly.
  • Speak in Unison: With Artix, in a lengthy sequence in "Moonridge: Saved!" Played for laughs.
  • Squishy Wizard: When she's first introduced, Des is wearing pink Mage robes and wielding a plain wooden staff. Her defenses are... severely lacking at this point.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: The few times when she synchronizes with Nora, her eyes glow golden.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Most notably with Sepulchure. After learning about his motivations for becoming a DoomKnight (a.k.a. wanting to bring back his lost love, Lynaria), she begins to see him in a new light. Though trying to act on said sympathy during the Final 13th... didn't end so well.
  • Team Mom: She's the one most often breaking up intra-team arguments and making sure everyone's taking care of themselves.
  • Time Master: As an Archivist, Des can call up events from her past to form attacks.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Des grows from an idealistic young mage with a limited spell arsenal to a battle-hardened DragonLord with a frighteningly wide array of abilities at her disposal and a mana pool to match.
  • True Companions: This band of heroes would do anything for each other.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: As a child, Des had no idea how to properly control her magic when it was first unlocked for her. As a result, the tiny light-magic-infused rocks she created were enough to disintegrate the undead she threw them at. And that's not even mentioning the giant burst of magic that sent her kidnapper flying all the way to the Sandsea. She has a better grasp of her skills by the time Book 1 begins.