Galliteo Annesley (TV Tropes)



A young girl who grew up in Oaklore Keep after her parents were killed by mercenaries. Galliteo is half Sand Elf, one of two survivors of the genocide of their race. She is excitable, reckless, and endlessly loyal to her friends.

  • Action Girl: Decidedly female, and kicks ass.
  • Alternate Self: To her MechQuest counterpart, Jennifer “Jenny” Amberden.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: She’s confirmed by Word of God to have ADHD and is predominantly inattentive.
  • Badass Normal: She’s the actual least magical of the team, despite being a half-elf, but she keeps up with them easily through sheer strength and determination.
  • Bow and Sword, in Accord: After becoming a Ranger, Galliteo swaps her primary weapon to the bow and arrow, but she still keeps her sword with her and will absolutely use it in close-quarters combat.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The reason a half-elf child is living at Oaklore Keep? She’s half Sand Elf, a race that was subjected to genocide at the hands of Emperor Sek-Duat XIV. Her parents were both killed when she was 4 years old, and only a passing adventurer saved her from the same fate. The adventurer took her to Oaklore Keep, where she was adopted by Captain Rolith and raised under the guidance of the Knights of the Pactogonal Table.
  • Dragon Knight/Dragon Rider: While not the Hero of the prophecy, Galliteo still becomes a DragonLord and bonds with a Fire dragon she names Blaze.
  • Enemy Mine: In Book 3, Galliteo and Destiny team up with Magus Hansa of the Rose to defeat a newly re-empowered Sek-Duat.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: In book 3, Galliteo has cut her formerly waist-length hair to shoulder-length and no longer ties it back.
  • Genocide Backfire: Sek-Duat XIV had the Sand Elves hunted to extinction, with Galliteo and Zhoom, both half-elves, ending up as the sole survivors. When they both face off against Sek-Duat XV (who is really Sek-Duat XIV who is really the original Sek-Duat having pulled My Grandson Myself for 1500 years) in the finale of the Light Orb saga, it becomes this trope.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: She’s half Sand Elf on her father’s side.
  • Happily Adopted: By Captain Rolith of Oaklore Keep. He’s slightly overprotective, and it wasn't uncommon to see them arguing over her latest attempt to sneak out of the Keep and explore, but they both love each other dearly and have a strong familial bond.
  • Human Mom, Non-Human Dad: Her father was a Sand Elf named Isaias, and her mother was a human named Amara Annesley.
  • Kid Hero: She was 12 at the beginning of Book 1, which was a huge part of Rolith’s reluctance to let her go.
    • Kid Hero All Grown-Up: At the start of Book 3, she’s 22, and while not much taller, she looks a little more mature overall.
  • Last of Her Kind: One of two surviving Sand Elves, the other being Zhoom.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: In Book 3, Galliteo destroys the crystal holding Sek-Duat’s power because she thinks it will disperse his power and render it useless. What it actually does is return it to him, which puts the city of Duat in danger and pisses off Magus Hansa, though she still helps Galliteo and Destiny defeat him.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her parents died when she was 4 years old.
  • Pointy Ears: A trait of being half-elf.
  • Psychic Link: Gains one with Blaze at some point during the time skip between Book 2 and 3.