Josephine Price



4 years, 5 months ago



Name Josephine Inez Price
Called Josie
Age 16
Gender Female
Birthday January 7th
Pronouns She/Her
Faceclaim Betsy Wolfe
Height 5'4"
Location Manhattan, New York
Occupation Waitress at Jacobi's Deli


  • Sewing
  • Her Friends
  • Coffee


  • Sleet
  • Messes
  • Cheese


Josie grew up in the richer part of Manhattan in a home of just her father and herself. Despite being a single father, Raymond Price juggled parenting and banking well and take good care of his daughter. Though, when Josie was 11, doctors found out her father was sick, and when she was 13, he passed away. While planned to live with distant family after passing, Josie's uncle took the money and left her to fend for herself. Luckily, she's able to find a place at a working girls' lodging house and taking on a job, first as a dishwasher and then as a waitress at Jacobi's Deli.

Years pass and Josie makes friends at the lodging house and with the newsies who frequent the deli. During the Newsboy's Strike of 1899, Josie makes it her mission to see all the boys fed and taken care of. After the strike, she and Race Higgins "officially" begin dating.

She and the newsboys grow up. Josie continues to work for Mr. Jacobi as a waitress until he takes a step back from the deli and promotes her, while Race takes a job at factory. The two eventually marry and have a daughter together.

Modern AU

In the Modern AU, Josie attends highschool in upper New York. She lives in a well-off home with her father and is still dating Race, despite the shcool's opinion that she can do much better. She works at a Starbucks afterschool while also trying to make time to hangout with her wide array of friends.



Race Higgins [ partner ]

Meeting at Jacobi's Deli one day, Josie is almost immediately smitten by the loud-mouthed and snarky Race. With every lunch the newsboys take at the resturant, the closer Race and Josie become. The two don't have an official date when they "got together," but everyone knew it was coming, despite their contrasting personalities.


Louise Baker [ best friend ]

Louise and Josie met at the lodging house where they both live, hitting it off well in the beginning and only growing closer throughout the years. Both find themselves caught up in the lives of Manhattan's newsboys and the strike that starts up.


Finch Cortez [ friend ]

Josie has gotten Finch out of more than one rough situation. If she had to describe him in one word it would be "cool."

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