

2/3 (xxx) ♀

Mate: Soma

Cannon kids: Paik, Hyun, (adopted) Yami, Mios

Vira was always hotheaded, and headstrong from the moment she was born. Rushing headfirst into trouble whenever her mothers back was turned the young lioness had little impulse control. Although she never meant it, these traits uncontrolled lead to both her banishment and her fathers death.

The loss of her father had truly been an accident. Yet the heir to the pride he once lead despised his leadership. Finding and easy way out in banishing those with ties to the previous leader. A training hunt to lead the younger lions into the first steps of providing for their pride. Vira wasn't among the group as she was much too young at the time, but her will to show herself lead to her following the group anyway. Her undeveloped senses not alerting her to the pack of hyenas also following the hunting party in hopes for an easy snack. Too far to run for shelter Vira had screamed out the moment one burst from the brush. Her father sprinting back with the few younger hunters he had brought along. They succeeded in scaring the beasts off, but not before they gave a deathly blow to a father more focused on keeping his younger safe than himself.

The first few days after her banishment Vira was she wouldn't survive sundown. The heat and hunger wore down on her body as regret tore through her conscious. The night a young lanky lion, not yet out of cubhood, found her hiding in what brush she could pull herself into ended not of how she envisioned. Being blessed with a second chance through the graces of the moon's will Vira unknowingly became the sun's champion. For without this queen at his side the leader of the Oasis Basin would be without the firm paw it needed in keeping order and safety.

After joining the Oasis Basin pride she became selfless if not a bit more reckless towards her own safety when it came to protecting her pridmates. Training herself and others day in and day out the lioness vowed to never have another life lost due to her weakness. Vira has a soft spot for the young of the pride but loudly refuses this claim when it's brought up, and if your lucky that's all you'll receive. Soma is probably the only one to know this secret of hers and even he winces at her fiery outbursts.