Sam Walsh



4 years, 5 months ago


Grumpy . Patient .  Toxic

Quick Stats

Age 35 years old
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him/They
Race Half Border collie + Jack
               Rusell Terrier
Orient.  Straight (Looking)


Sam works at Ranch before he works with Ryse at CIA. His life has been living tough since he was a teenager. After his mom died when he's 13, he forced to quit school and decided to work with his dad at Ranch. Sam doesn't have siblings nor cousins and neighbour. One day, a hacking technologies has become his interest and starting to learn all by himself at the Cafe Computer. When he is ready, his intention becomes dark, he tried to hack security system at the bank to have access and get the money.  

When he got caught at the age of 15, the police inform about him to his father. The police take Sam home. His dad scold Sam loudly because of what he did. Now, his dad's new responsibility must pay back on what did Sam stole. Too bad, his father doesn't have enough money and couldn't afford until the due date pay back ends. The police decided to took his father in a jail for years but Sam wouldn't agree. He fought with the police but he could not make it. After his dad was sent to jail, Sam live alone and decided to continue works at Ranch in order to get money for a sake of free his dad.

Soon, suddenly a CIA car parks outside of his house. The wolf who gets out from the car, named Ryse. Who works at CIA. Ryse had a talk with Sam at the cafe. While talking, Ryse have made a deal with him, if he works with him, he will free his dad. If he disagree, his dad will be in jail for years. Sam decided to agree. Ryse's intentions are that he must help the leader of the FBI and intervene with them. He needs Sam to works at CIA because of his hacking system skills and intelligent, to help them finds a way and detecting enemies.


  • Sam follow instructions efficiently
  • Sam is toxic, its not all the time he spit some meanie words. There's a suitable time for him to throw some toxic behaviours and meanie beanie words.
  • Doesn't like people who bothering him when he's working
  • Drinks Dr. Pepper and RedBull alot
  • Expressionless and mute most of the time even people insults him and when he got hurts. 

Design Notes

Designer mangle
Obtained DTA
Worth what
Status NFT/NFS
  • Has a bit mustache and fluff eyebrows, include above the lips
  • A bit buff, a bit hairless body
  • Flirts with many females, but most of them hit or slap him
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