Shuichi Uehara



4 years, 5 months ago


Name Uehara, Shuichi
Age 18
Gender Trans Man
Ethnicity Korean-Japanese


  • arts and crafts
  • origami cranes
  • going to restaurants
  • track and field
  • pretty colors


  • rainy days
  • Ayame getting hurt
  • creepy men
  • things not going his way

cheerful . bratty . arrogant

Always full of energy and stamina no matter when, Shuichi is the self-proclaimed “sunshine” of PEACH TEA. He loves going around talking to new people and claims that there’s never a boring moment when he’s around. As a member of various sports teams, he possesses exceptional skills in flexibility and agility, as well the ability to run at crazy high speeds- he’s happy to show off and brag if given the opportunity (which is all the time to him). Despite his rough and messy appearance, Shuichi is actually the top student at his school, and claims that the reason why he’s so intelligent is because of his good memory, and thus he doesn’t need to study. In his downtime, he enjoys making crafts, especially origami, and painting pictures. He tends to get quite messy, but doesn’t mind it as long as he has fun. He also has a bad habit of getting distracted by shiny objects and has a collection of random things at home.  

Despite being such a genius, Shuichi is quite the childish person. He thinks in black and white and tends to get frustrated and upset when things don’t go his way. When he wants something, he tends to whine and cry until he gets it. He also struggles with empathy and doesn’t understand if he’s making someone uncomfortable or upset, which is only amplified with his love of teasing others. Part of the reason behind his spoiled and selfish nature comes from being raised by servants his entire life and being neglected by his birth parents. 

The most important person in Shuichi’s life is Ayame, and he acts like her personal bodyguard. They first met as children, when Shuichi attempted to cheer her up despite not knowing why she was crying. He was brought in as her servant at the age of 10, and the two had been inseparable ever since. Around Ayame, Shuichi tries to be caring and understanding of her even if he can't empathize with her. He usually tries to teach her social cues and takes her out on "dates", and also does things like get her dressed and make her breakfast. However, his biggest fear is Ayame leaving him. He believes he is Ayame’s friend and bodyguard before his own person, and doesn’t know what he’ll do with his life when the two eventually go their separate ways.

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