
4 years, 5 months ago



Pinkie Dink








6'3" ft




High School Student



Pinky is a talented teenager that's currently enrolled in a prestigious boarding academy on the surface of Xygoroth. She's exceptional when it comes to cooking. She once won a half million cash prize on live TV when she was eight years of age. It took place during a reality TV cooking competition. Ever since then, she's refined her palette and mastered how to handle heat in the kitchen even more.


Pinky is a bold and intense girl. Whenever she enters a room, her presence just screams loud and vibrant. Just the aura around her is a strong force to behold. It's because of this that she's usually appointed as a leader in group projects and assignments.

She likes being in charge, but maybe she can take it a little too far at times. Though Pinky isn't afraid to take action and bring attention to any issues on the table, she can also be a bit bossy and overwhelming. She's blunt and her words can be sharp enough to cut through you like a knife. She has a lot of pride and confidence, but sometimes it can be too much.

Lastly, Pinky can be a bit of a people pleaser. She doesn't like when someone tries to nitpick at her flaws, especially if it's about the way she makes food.


Like all Xynthii, Pinky was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since she doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

She can’t really navigate and fly that high, she can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


Many would say that Pinky was destined to be a cooking prodigy.

Though her two mothers taught her about food well enough at a young age, and they were fairly good chefs overall, Pinky was able to surpass her parents’ skill level by the time she was eight years of age.

At that point in her life, she had already won a half million dollar cash prize in a gourmet cooking contest on live television.

After winning, Pinky was granted many opportunities to travel all across Xygoroth to explore and refine her skills. She learned from the best, got featured on magazine covers, and was even interviewed a couple times on talk shows.

Once she turned thirteen, Pinky was given a chance to enroll in a prestigious boarding academy for talented teenagers. She gladly accepted the opportunity.

Everything went smooth sailing as soon as she started high school. She managed to climb her way up into becoming the president of the cooking club. All was well except for one thing: her roommate Skylar.

Pinky grew to dislike Skylar due to her sloppy habits of not looking after her messes in their shared dorm room, and they’d eventually butt heads often from there. It’ll be a long road ahead of these two before they can finally agree on something.


Her middle name is legit Croissant. Pinky Croissant Dink. It doesn't really roll off the tongue, but it's whatever, her parents were weird.

It's hard for her to accept that she's wrong with something, especially if it's something to do with her cooking. She's usually excellent at cooking and would be ashamed of herself if someone were to not like what she made.


2662774? Skylar Seagull

close frenemy

5058696?1576046693 Cero Rorre

her friend

5552452?1576046710 Ichi Rorre

a mutual friend

5654481?1577376027 Sol

some girl with a grudge

5654486?1577376140 Tuna

a pain in the ass

Ah yes, the broth here has a nice and tangy lemon zest to it.
