
Name Ovella
Name meaning Sheep
Species Shinshoku
Occupation Constable
Gender Female
Badge No. 411
Age 21
Alignment Lawful Good
DOB April 11th
Ability Seeing Spirits


Spirit Sight

She can see those invisible to most mortals - spirits, ghosts, gods.

  • Selfless - she's a nurse and lives to help others
  • Kind - everyone deserves a second chance, so she's kind even to those who were mean to her
  • Decisive - she makes choices quickly and easily
  • Underachieving - she could get more from life, but prefers to spend it giving rather than taking
  • Obsessive - when she's set on a goal everything else loses importance
  • Obedient - she does what she's told even when it's not in her best interest

Deep within the mountains lies a lion colony. It consists of multiple of small prides that all live in peace with each other thanks to the god they all believe in. Dhanab ul-Asad is a spirit of nature and provides the lions with bounty of prey, lush flora and peace in the secluded region. At the top of one of the peak’s is his shrine. Ovella took care of it along with other lionesses and their mentor. Many years passed in harmony, but the other gods were envious of the respect and love showed Dhanab and decided to send plague and winter upon the mountains, so that lions would lose their faith in their beloved spirit.

Famine and cold struck the lands. Lions needed help and hope. It was the only way to save Dhanab ul-Asad and bring back the days of peace. Ovella was chosen as the one to do it by her mentor before he passed. She travelled from pride to pride taking care of those in need. It was not easy because a malicious winter spirit kept getting in her way. One day Ove snapped and shouted at it, despite fear for her life. The spectre was surprised that the lioness could see him, as he was invisible to most. Ovella explained that she had a gift and could see spirits since birth. He took a liking to her and helped her for the rest of her journey.

Absorbed by her responsibilities she has forgotten about her own well-being and fell ill. She made a wish to Dhanab to take the last piece of her soul before she died and give it to her beloved, Arietes, so that he could become mortal and find happiness, finally seen by other lions.





Code by Vom | Layout by Yua | Edits by Frisco