


4 years, 4 months ago



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Art by bookfangeek

  • Name Darby
  • Age They lost track
  • Height 5'9
  • Pronouns They/them
  • Sexuality Gay
  • Powers Telekinesis and force fields

  • Basics

    Most details about Darby are currently spoilers.

  • Personality

    Darby is so chill that it's kind of creepy. They very rarely change their neutral expression no matter what emotion they're feeling. It's hard to be sure if they're feeling any emotions at all. They have no problem with killing people and other various crimes. In fact, they're often trying to commit crimes but don't because their husband, Twitch, would prefer they don't. It's really hard to tell if they're a good person or not. They have an incredibly dark sense of humor, which when combined with their neutral expression and lack of reactions, makes a lot of people uncomfortable. They like it that way.

  • Backstory

    Nobody really knows what the fuck is up with Darby. Like. Seriously. What's going on with them? I don't know. I'm kind of afraid to find out. Every time anybody asks what happened to their limbs or how they got stuck in jail, they have a different response prepared. They've never given a single answer twice.

  • Appearance

    Darby is a thin and lanky white person. They have fluffy, messy brown hair that they've certainly never tried to brush. They have light blue eyes. They wear a red bowtie, a white and gray plaid button up shirt, and black dress pants. All 4 of their limbs are replaced by gray mechanical prosthetics. Because of the prosthetics, they don't wear shoes.


Art by bookfangeek

  • Twitch Husband

    Their relationship is honestly really funny. Darby likes to commit crimes. Twitch has sworn off doing crimes and gets distressed when somebody they care about does crimes. Unstoppable force vs immovable object except they're in love.

  • Joe Smith Good Friend

    I know I put down "Good Friend" here but honestly I don't know what Darby thinks of Joe. They're so unreadable. I don't know what they're thinking ever. I'm going to assume they like Joe enough to see him as a friend.

  • ??? Spoilers

    The nature of this relationship is spoilers

  • Trivia
    • ● Darby is not from The Deathspeaker universe. Who knows where they came from. Judging from things they've said, probably somewhere fucking wild.
    • ● Darby carries at least 2 guns on them at all times.
    • ● Darby was made for a very specific role, but once I realized they felt like they were just tacked on to resolve a plot point, I made Twitch, developed their personalities to the point that I adore them, and then threw both of them full force at Joe to see what would happen. It went well. For me.
    • ● Instead of having a magic type like most of the other Deathspeaker characters, Darby has superpowers because of the whole other universe thing.

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