
4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Feather

Species: Irish Draft

Gender: Mare

Foal of: Pugwash

Mother of: Hoagie

 History: Feather, was meant to be a broodmare in Ireland, but after discovering her tail defect was hereditary (bred once, a colt called Plumage), they decided to put her to work as a cart-horse. She was a brilliant worker, without a single day lame and hugely valuable to her owners, who were quite poor at the time. She proved to be so good, that her owners were offered work in England by some wealthy people, who then, at the time of the American gold rush, decided to move to America, along with Feather and her owners. 

Feather took it all in her stride, boarding the ship with no issue and settling into her new home in the west. 

One night, a painted Mustang stallion broke into the yard and covered Feather. She continued to work and earned the wealthy prospectors and her owners a huge sum of money and when the time came for her to give birth, they were able to retire her and let her be a mother. 

On a warm and starry night, Hoagie was born! He had the same twisted tail as his mother and a gorgeous gold and white coat.