


4 years, 4 months ago


Marlon de la Mort



Marlon de la Mort


♂ Male · He/him



November 25, 1711


White French


Privateer, crew member

France; born in Calais


Any book that features pictures of the sea (he is illiterate)


Sea shanties






  Theme Song ✻ "Si tu reviens"   Favourite Song ✻ "???"   Marlon's Spotify Playlist


  Voiceclaim (WIP)

Parmi les enfants sourds pis les rois morts,
J’te retrouve tout le temps
Dans mon angle mort


🌊  Hardy, blunt, reserved  🌊

A teenage orphan-turned-privateer, good with a sword and even better at being tough-skinned.


Marlon, being a seafarer and an orphan, is quite thin and unhealthy looking. He has black hair which he slicks back to keep out of his eyes. He has cloudy blue eyes with dark circles around them, and a stern brow. His thin lips are often seen in a small frown. He has a slender face and figure, with distinct cheekbones and slim, gangly limbs. He is always seen with his red wool muffler scarf, which he stole from a man on the streets of Paris. He only has one real outfit, being a white cotton shirt, leather boots, and his beautiful navy-blue overcoat. His pair of baggy tan linen breeches is a few sizes too big, so he holds them up using a large belt. His coat is also much larger than him- rightfully so, as Marlon stole it from a pirate who attacked his ship. He is 5'4".


Although he is only 15, Marlon could say he has lived many lives. He is a headstrong young man who doesn't care what others think of him. He is more than happy to do things the way he wants. He is often sarcastic and rude to people he doesn't know or trust. He is reclusive and prefers to depend on self-sufficiency when possible. He doesn't take kindly to jokes or people who smile at him too often. Although he has thick skin, Marlon is no stranger to emotions. All the people he considered family were stolen from him long ago, so he's steeled himself to the harshness of the world to avoid feeling too much. He may be tough-as-nails, but behind his exterior he is truly just looking for a reason to live.


  • The sea
  • The smell of salt
  • His captain, Jean, and his crew
  • Other orphan children
  • Being on his own when necessary


  • Versailles
  • Rowdy people
  • The English navy
  • Winter
  • Being ashore for too long
  • When his hair gets in his face


Marlon's story takes place throughout France, England, and the seas in 1726. He is a young crew member of the privateer Jean Ladonais. Though just a boy, he may play a bigger role in the world than he had ever expected.

Marlon was born on November 25, 1711 in the port side town of Calais to a woman named Genevieve and a smuggler named Michel. Not much is known of Michel's smuggling or how much he had obtained; clearly, he was highly skilled at his craft. Genevieve and Michel had been in a close relationship for years, and while Michel would be overseas, Genevieve would care for their child at home in Calais. They lived in a small house close to the English Channel, and would hide their riches under the hay and mud in their home in order to avoid being ransacked and imprisoned.

In the spring of 1712, Michel met with a strange turn of fates. He and his team of smugglers had an encounter with the royal French navy while on the seas, and were brought to the palace of Versailles. Fully expecting to be imprisoned for their theft and smuggling, the team were instead met with an offer from the elderly king Louis XIV, who was impressed with the riches they had obtained. Louis offered them a letter of marque on the condition that they would halve their spoils with the king himself, thus avoiding prison time. The smugglers agreed and began to raise money at a faster pace now that there was no risk from their own country's navy. Louis became particularly close to Michel, and would even take the risk of inviting him to intimate teas.

Tragedy occurred not long after Michel's turn of fate. In the winter of 1712, the smuggler ship was bombarded by the English navy on their return home. None of the crew survived. Genevieve was overcome by tragedy. She ran away from Calais with Marlon and any remaining wealth she was able to carry with her. They travelled through the mainland down to Paris, and stayed with an elderly middle class couple, who took pity on Genevieve and her two year old son. Sadly, this life would not last long. Genevieve contracted measles. She did not survive beyond a few days. Once Genevieve showed symptoms of the disease, the couple chose to bring Marlon to a church, hoping that being within the proximity of piety would save him from contracting as well. They left him at the doorstop, with only a hastily-written note of his name. A bishop found the boy and brought him in, keeping him safe for some days before giving him to an orphanage.

Marlon spent the rest of his childhood in a lonely state at an orphanage, damaged by the fact that he did not remember much of his parents. He was a quiet child who preferred isolation. His only friend there was a girl of the same age named Sophie, who he befriended at the age of five. The two were sneaky, and were scolded on a regular basis by the matrons. They quickly became notorious for being "un-adoptable"; they would often go into town and steal from anyone they were able to.

On his tenth birthday, Marlon received a surprising visit. The elderly couple that had taken in him and his mother had finally found where the boy had ended up. They told him all about his own history, from what Genevieve had told them in the short period before her untimely death; his birthday, his hometown of Calais, and anything else they could recall. Genevieve had not shared much with the couple about her husband, but they did tell Marlon under harsh whispers that his father's name was Michel, and he had had a connection to the King. Marlon was shocked and had difficulty believing these claims, until the couple recalled his mother's death, weeping through their words. Marlon also wept. It the first time he could truly cry openly over his family. On that day, Marlon discovered his birth date, his parents' names, and his own history.

Marlon became even more of a recluse after this shocking visit. The couple could not take him in, as they barely had money enough to support themselves, but they promised to visit him. It was a sad year, then, when the two also passed by the way of measles. Marlon wept bitterly for them as he had for his own mother. He became more heartless, and eager to steal. This is how he came about his beloved scarf, which he stole from a man in town. He also devised that he would run away home to Calais, and find out more about his family's history. On a cool September evening in 1725, at the age of 14, he wished Sophie a heartfelt good luck before setting off.

It was a tedious week for Marlon while on his journey. He constantly hid from any authorities and tried to eat as much from the wilderness as he could. The only way he could find his way to his hometown was by word of mouth from other children, families, and traders. After hours of walking, he made it to Calais with the clothes on his back, a few scraps of food, and some bed sheets he had taken from the orphanage. In Calais, he began to live by way of thievery on the docks near the port, where sailors and traders would have goods to pawn. He would take refuge on the flattest stones underneath the dock, falling asleep to the sounds of the waves. Though happy to be in his hometown, he found out nothing about his parents.

One day, while trying to pickpocket a rich-looking man, he was suddenly grabbed by the wrists. Caught for the first time, Marlon was mortified. This man laughed at Marlon's attempts, congratulating him for his quick-handed skill. The man introduced himself as Jean Ladonais, a merchant. In response, Marlon introduced himself as "Marlon, the boy living beneath the dock". Jean asked why Marlon called himself that, and Marlon showed him the makeshift home he had made. Jean took pity on the boy, and admired his intelligence. He invited him to live aboard his ship, using his sharp skills to help around and aid in any battles they were to experience. Marlon was ecstatic, and in a fit of joy, hugged the man. That day, Marlon became a seafarer.

Though only fourteen, Marlon was determined to show his worth to Jean. He did any work asked of him, and did it well. Jean was impressed with the boy, and continually had him learn more and more. Eventually Marlon learned to hold a sword, then parry, and then strike a foe down. He also learned how to fire a cannon, how to count money, the words to sea shanties, navigation by the stars, and even the joys of alcohol. Marlon saw Jean as the father he had never had, and Jean treated him as his own son, perpetually impressed by his talent. Marlon eventually told Jean all about his family. Jean unfortunately did not know his father or mother, but he expressed that Marlon was always safe under his care. Marlon even told Jean in a whisper about his father's supposed connection to the King. Jean told Marlon that he was suspicious of such a connection- that the King would not just make friends with anyone. In his mind, he wondered if Marlon's father was part of the much-rumoured smuggler crew who had been struck down by English cannons years ago. After all, the timeline seemed correct...

On a fateful August night in 1725, Jean's ship had a run-in with the royal French navy. The navy demanded taxation, which Jean dutifully provided, though it was a small amount. The navy assumed Jean should have provided more due to his being a merchant ship, however, and demanded he and the crew come back to Versailles for a hearing by the King and court. They did so, and Marlon and his crew were treated disrespectfully by the navy with mockery and some physical violence. When the crew arrived at Versailles, Marlon was rightfully angry and spiteful at all the rich upper class who now surrounded him and his crew.

In the hearing, Marlon saw King Louis XV in the flesh for the first time. Though very close in age, the disparities in status between the two were extreme. Marlon was incredibly venomous when asked to speak, directing all of his looks of hatred toward the young King. Louis, however, felt only sympathy for Marlon, and granted the crew a much lighter sentence than what would have been expected. After the hearing, Louis requested that Marlon be taken to his front and centre. Marlon was aghast, thinking Louis would wish to execute him. Instead, Louis only wanted to personally wish him luck, and asked for Marlon's name.

Thinking quickly, Marlon replied, "I am Marlon. You knew my father".

Of course, this Louis was not the same Louis acquainted with Michel. Louis was confused, until Marlon shouted his father's name into Louis' face. "Michel! His name was Michel!"

Louis was overcome with a look of bewilderment. After a pause he said, "You are Michel's son?" Marlon nodded.

Louis immediately took Marlon's hand, and kissed him upon both cheeks. Marlon, being unrequited with this behaviour, felt both blessed by God himself as well as queasy. Louis told Marlon that Michel was a great friend of his great-grandfather's, and thought incredibly highly of him. Louis even told Marlon that his great-grandfather had shared deep secrets with Michel- according to what his family and members of the court had told him. Apparently, although everyone in the palace was rather unhappy with the king becoming so close with a common man, the risk of upsetting the king about his taste in friends would be a fatal mistake. Louis felt a connection to Marlon because of this, and insisted Marlon receive some personal marque apart from the rest of the crew to make note of his special status. The son of his great-grandfather's close friend was indeed a great honour! Marlon was not thrilled about this, as his relation to the upper class started off as a very miserable one. But, perhaps this would be a closer tie to the father he never met...?


Louis XV

A recent acquaintance of Marlon's. Marlon's smuggler-turned-privateer father was a close friend of Louis' great-grandfather. Thus, Louis was thrilled to meet Marlon himself, though their meeting was initially on uncertain, awkward terms; after all, a privateer and a king are an incredibly unlikely pair, even if Louis' great-grandfather thought otherwise. Marlon initially had only spite towards Louis, being a product of his ire toward the upper class, however as time goes on, Marlon finds that Louis isn't all what he seem son the outside. Marlon may find Louis a bit grating and boring, but he also trusts him as a friend and enjoys conversation with him.

Jean Ladonais

The merchant captain of the ship Marlon is part of. Marlon sees Jean as the father he never had, and respects him immensely. He wouldn't be a stranger to even admitting that he loves him on a familial level.

His parents, Genevieve and Michel

Marlon's parents, who both died before he turned three. He misses them with a longing beyond himself, and wishes there was some way he could see or talk to them again.


  • Marlon, as far as he knows, does not have a last name. He gave himself the name "de la Mort" after he joined Jean, wanting to sound more dangerous. In English this name literally translates to "Marlon of death".
  • His zodiac sign is Sagittarius, and his lunar zodiac sign is Metal Rabbit.
  • His faceclaim is (x), and his voiceclaim is (x). (He would speak in French, and have a medium-pitched voice, with little inflection and a serious, hard tone)

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