Dusty Tomes



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Dusty Tomes

Nicknames: Dusty

Age: 23

Parents: Silver Shill and Sunburst

Siblings: TBA

Species: Unicorn

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Taken by Raspberry Tart

Occupation: Researcher

Hometown: Crystal Empire

Location: Hollow Shades

Personality: Dusty is normally a very jittery, self-conscious, and nervous stallion. The only times he ever seems to come out of his shell are when he's deep in his research; he's gotten into his fair share of danger by diving headfirst into a magical mystery he wasn't prepared for. 

Likes: Fire, warm clothes, the crystal library, Flurry Heart, a Good Adrenaline Rush, his auntie Starlight

Dislikes: milk, cats, Shining Armor, snow, Canterlot, like, in general

Bio: Dusty, Celestia bless him, has never been gifted in the magic department. He's got very few spells he's especially good at, and most of them are rather, well, explosive, thanks to his trouble making Aunties. To make up for the fact that he can barely even keep a room lit with his horn, he devotes himself to research of all magic, be it ancient or new. He's also a bit skilled in inventing, and has created devices to detect magical anomalies that he has gifted to the princesses and their friends across the nation in case of emergency. One day, his detector goes off, and it leads him to the Hollow Shades, where he discovers a magic previously unknown to Equestria...

Sunburst- Dusty is closer to Sunburst than he is to Silver Shill, not that he'd ever admit it to anypony. Sunburst understands Dusty's thirst for knowledge, and loves to visit the library with his son. Unfortunately, with how gifted his father is at magic, Dusty feels a bit like a disappointment to him... even though it's a thought that's never even crossed Sunburst's mind.
 Silver Shill- Dusty's other father is the one that always knows how to cheer up his son. Many nights are spent in front of a fire, Shill relaxing and letting Dusty vent his frustrations to him. He never tells Sunburst how inferior Dusty feels, but he does often remind Dusty that they both love him no matter what, even if Shill can be more strict than Dusty likes.
Flurry HeartWith his father being Flurry's personal tutor from fillyhood into her teen years, it was pretty obvious that once Dusty was born Flurry would want to know him. Dusty was barely one by the time he and Flurry were practically inseparable, the princess even referring to Dusty as her brother from a young age. She's like an older sister to Dusty nowadays, and they spend a lot of time being reckless and silly.
Raspberry Tart- Dusty met Raspberry on Flurry's 18th birthday, when Cadence invited Princess Twilight and all of her friends to the big party they threw - though it could be better described as a festival with how excited the citizens were. The unicorn and the earth pony had snuck away in the night, Flurry Heart following as best she could. The three had spent the dark hours of the night laughing and exploring an icy, frost-covered cave to the north of the city, and got in a lot of trouble once morning came. A powerful friendship had been born that night, though, and when Raspberry went home to Ponyville with his mothers, Dusty and Flurry agreed to stay in touch. Once Dusty's 21st birthday rolled around, Flurry told Raspberry herself about the strong feelings Dusty had for him, since Dusty was too embarrassed to do it himself.

Cutiemark: An open scroll with a red ribbon behind it.