Fool's Gold



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Fool's Gold

Age: 31

Parents: Silver Shill and Flim

Siblings: Dusty (half-brother), Topaz Bridle (half-sister)

Species: Unicorn

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Craps Dealer

Hometown: Manehattan

Location: Las Pegasus

Personality: Fool's Gold is a vain, catty mare with an eye for a quick bit. She only cares about the easiest way to make money and spend it on nice things.

Likes: Tourists, travelling acts, expensive jewelry, vacations

Dislikes: her siblings, penny pinchers (even though she is one), sugar

Bio: Fool's Gold always took after her unicorn father and his old ways than anyone. Since a young age, she's been spoiled rotten by Flim, and was one of the reasons her dads wound up divorced; Shill couldn't stand the idea of Flim continuing to sell snake oil and bringing their daughter along. When she showed interest in, god forbid, helping him with his plans (and at SUCH a young age!!!), he couldn't take it anymore and left the family. Flim was torn up, but Fool's Gold didn't care much; she'd never really favored her other father. As she grew up, her father remarried and had another daughter, and she moved out as soon as she could, heading to Las Pegasus and setting up shop in the casinos there as her father and uncle one had. She was a popular dealer, and finally found her calling in life. She still keeps in touch with Flim and her step-mother, but never answers Shill's letters.

Relationships: To be added

Cutiemark: A big hunk of sparkling fool's gold