Basic Info






Unknown. likely in her forties, although she appears physically younger and spiritually older.



Anthro or Feral

both/either. Usually feral.


Specializes in death rituals and other similar things, meant to guide spirits to the next life or honor them properly. she knows every belief and ritual for the dead that is out there.


Neutral Good


Will often stare into space or at (or through) others for long periods of time. She often doesn't realize she is doing it and it sure gets people nervous. Many believe she is planning their deaths... Of course, with her eerie look and strange career many spooky rumors tend to float around. Luckily she doesn't pay them much attention. Those who get to know her find her to be very friendly and helpful, and always someone to go to to discuss grief, fear, or beliefs. She is always open to new ideas and very understanding. Even so, she doesn't have close personal friends and tends to drift off in deep thought quite often. She also enjoys using special effects and spooky voices to impress children and scared teens who insist they don't believe the rumors... because scaring dumb kids is always fun. She can read people and emotions well: some believe she is also psychic but she simply says she is observant.


different ideas and beliefs, reading, thoughts of magic or mysticality, moonlight, hearing the new rumors about her, thought-provoking questions or statements, spending time with others, spending time alone, dark colors, natural colors, spicy food, sweet food, staying up late, walks under trees in the moonlight (that's her ideal date)


lack of tolerance, violent people, not being able to help, waking up early


the dragon skull she wears does in fact float over her head. Many insist they've seen it looking at them with glowing pupils, and I will assure you it is more than a rumor. Perhaps it holds the spirit of an old and dear friend?

Obtained With

200 points, lineless, chibi, two icons (850 point value)


adopt theme was "Tribal Burial"