Faeron Ambersun (Relationship: ClaudeFae)




Game Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Height Difference4.5", about 12cm
NicknamesHandsome | Lord Riegan
Fae | Sunshine
"I could know you for centuries and still not uncover all your secrets, but you know what? I'm not bothered. The mystery's part of your charm, and I kinda like the prospect of a long-term challenge. Just don't spring on me that you're a fish in disguise, alright?"
― Claude, to Faeron
ClaudeFae (クロードフェ, kuro—dofe), also known as Sweet Chai, is the pairing between Claude von Riegan and Faeron Ambersun. 


Academy Phase

As House Leader of the Golden Deer, Claude meets Faeron during the opening ceremony. At first, the two interact with each other at an arm's distance, introduce themselves, make small talk, are aloof but cordial. Hearing their accent, Claude takes a special interest in Faeron's Crest and origin. Faeron knows little about that, and turns the question back on him. Where is he from? He has a certain something about him that screamed foreign. Not that Faeron minds. Foreign means different, and different means interesting. Claude warns he isn't going to give up his secrets so easily, and Faeron smirks at that. Neither are they. This makes the both of them laugh, and after that, they are joined at the hip. They say birds of a feather flock together, and that couldn't be truer for these two, who have a reputation for keeping more secrets than one can count on their hands, and a knack for finding out things they shouldn't. Where one goes, the other is sure to show up eventually. They spend many nights hunched over candlelight, engaged in conversation. 

Professors suspected something was going on long before they did. 

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers, viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

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Chapter 1: Three Houses

Great Tree Moon brings with it a new beginning — the Golden Deer House would be receiving a new professor, Byleth Eisner. In jest, Claude and Faeron attribute Byleth's decision to their swaying charm, but that is truer than they know. On their own, the both of them gave Byleth an uneasy feeling. Together? They're a party. Byleth begins to suspect they have telepathy and are reading each other's minds with the way they run circles around the professor. As if that's not bad enough, the mock battle is announced, and the two of them get to word devising a way to ensure victory. Faeron suggests putting an itchy powder in the clothes of their adversaries, but neither of them could use spatial magic to get the job done. Claude thinks to lay traps in the grass, but they couldn't get away from class long enough to get the chance to. Faeron wonders about incense that puts people to sleep, but when they tried to find some in the marketplace, Manuela caught them and forced them to help her carry her bags of trinkets back to her mess of a room. 

It was beginning to look like the odds were stacked against them, until... Eureka! Two nights before the mock battle, Claude has got it. He presents the mild stomach poison. Faeron commends the idea. Based on the flavour profile of the poison, it would pair best with a dry curry with a mildly lemony tang. That way, it will avoid detection. The positive reception spurns Claude into presenting the idea to Byleth the day before the mock. Byleth wouldn't entertain the thought, what a bummer. Hey, that didn't mean they couldn't test it out at a later date, they just couldn't test it out for the mock battle! Claude stores it away for safe-keeping, and he and Faeron decide that if they ever wanted to unleash it on the world, they wouldn't tell the professor about it.

Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery

They've been assigned their first real task under the new professor, how exciting! As the church forces accumulate resources and the Golden Deer develop their skills, Faeron spends time in the library, looking for information on Zanado. After all, a soldier can be skillful and strong, but if he knows nothing of his battlefield, he'll be at a great disadvantage. The Red Canyon... What's it like? Why was it named that way? Did anyone ever live there? Faeron cannot find anything specific, only a generalized climate. They're caught by Claude, who questions what they're doing holed up there, and Faeron keeps their thoughts to themselves, answering Claude with a redirection. "How sneaky, you're so good at avoiding the night guard." Though Claude picks up on Faeron hiding something, he takes the bait. 

"I figured now was a good time to feed them that stomach poison à la cookie." 

Faeron gasps and flutters their eyelashes. "Finding me was that important to you, Lord Riegan?"

"I can't let you get caught by the knights. You know too much."

Faeron laughs at that. Okay, okay, they get it. They're not going to get much more done tonight anyways. They allow Claude to sneak them back to their dorm room before bidding him goodnight. In the days following the fight against the bandits, they're busy, but Faeron finally finds time to settle down with Claude. They come bearing tea and snacks, and they sit to work on the last legs of their assignment together. Long after they've finished, Faeron expresses their thoughts. Their father, Margrave Ambersun, used to tell them fairy tales of a faraway land, whose people were under constant siege by a single empire. Red must have been the royal family's colour, because they named everything with that colour in mind. When the enemy first attacked, the people named it the Night of the Red River. The battlefield upon which they fought was the Red Scar. They named their day of victory the Red Dawn. Their hero's monument was erected as the Red Star. Their weapons were named for the blood they shed. Their king was remembered for his red hair. Their most important holy day occurred on a blood red moon. So what about the Red Canyon? What happened there? They couldn't find anything that they didn't already know, as if that's all the church wants them to know.

Claude listens intently. Faeron's thoughts directly mirror his own. Is it scary, or exciting? He's not sure. Unfortunately, he has nothing to offer except validation that he feels the same, and wonders idly if they could ever trust the history that's been written by the ones who won all the battles. Before he can elaborate, the door to the library opens and some students barge in, chattering loudly. They'll have to save this discussion for another time.

Chapter 3: Mutiny in the Mist

Faeron is contemplative throughout Garland Moon. Though this is only the Golden Deer's second assignment, Faeron has already begun to pick up on a pattern. They keep their observations under lock and key, all the while the doubt inside them grows. House Ambersun never got involved in the politics of the Alliance or of the Church, and neither did their uncle Noah. Lord Hildebrand refused to have anything to do with the Church, despite having a finger in every political pie. What is it about the Church that leads people to rebel? And what of Lord Lonato? Faeron uses their charm to coax some answers out of some knights, and is unsurprised by what they discover. This isn't petty vengeance. The Church executed his son. That's all they manage to find, however, and one question still remained on their mind — Did the Church prove Christophe's involvement? Or did they happen to find a perfect scapegoat? 

On Magdred Way, Claude hangs back to let Faeron catch up, and while he makes nonchalant conversation about the Thunderbrand, Faeron notices his coded language and meets him in kind. He talks of the Hero's Relics, but what Faeron hears is his trepidation. Faeron talks of the rebellion, but what Claude hears is their disapproval. What this means cannot be elaborated on, because the enemy attacks, and the Golden Deer come face to face with Lord Lonato. Using civilians to fight his righteous war, and to think he was once a great knight. He's too far gone. As sympathetic as his reasons are, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and he falls to the cries of his people. The Golden Deer hardly have time to breathe before the plot to assassinate Rhea is uncovered.

Chapter 4: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

Blue Sea Moon is met with apprehension. Finding themselves conflicted, Faeron distracts themselves from that month's assignment with ladies of all different classes. Luckily for them, Garreg Mach is in no shortage. Behind the scenes, Claude watches them with an emotion he cannot explain. Troubled by this development, he seeks them out at the end of classes, only for them to hold uncharacteristically shallow conversations with him, all the while their eyes shift back and forth. On a hunch, Claude leaves a note in their notebook to meet him in the sauna that night. Faeron is intrigued, and follows after him. There, he asks them why they've been so silent about this whole ordeal.

"What do you think is in the Holy Mausoleum? A mere corpse, surely, but if that's so, then why would anyone want to raid it?" They're curious, but more than that, they know that the perpetrators would be executed even on a rumour. If they're going to die anyways, they might as well live out their dreams. Bearing witness to the death that it brings, Faeron has decided their parents and uncle were right to stay away from the Church. Faeron does not want to fight in their name.

Now that interests Claude. He sees all the fine print in Faeron's eyes. No wonder they've been so suspicious. "The concept of religion is amazing, don't you think? It can uplift the weary, strengthen the weak, heal the sick, and oppress those who are different. Religion is an idea with many facets, the greatest secret-keeper of all. I'm going to discover all of them."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"But satisfaction brought it back."

Faeron sighs. "Fighting for the Church is the opposite of satisfying."

"Then don't think of it as fighting for them, but as taking the path that results in the least amount of casualty. If your aim is to uncover all their secrets, you can't do that when you're rotting in the ground."

It's a crass way of looking at it, but a fair point nonetheless. Faeron yields, and doesn't bring it up again.

When the Sword of the Creator is revealed, the pair are excited, albeit for different reasons. Faeron is concerned with Byleth's yet untapped history. What other powers are they hiding? Are they really the mere child of a mercenary, or is there something more, something hidden that even they cannot recall? Claude is concerned with Byleth's potential. What does it mean that they can wield the Sword of the Creator? What can they do with it? Faeron does not follow. What does Claude want Byleth to do with it? Claude dances around an answer. It's nothing Faeron should concern themselves with. Besides, it's not that he has anything specific in mind, it's the thought of what can be. Yeah, that's malarkey. Faeron adamantly states they will be by Claude's side no matter what, so if he harbours any noble intentions such as to keep them out of harm's way, he might as well give up now. Well, if they're going to insist...

Claude (thankfully) doesn't get the chance to explain himself. Seteth finds them and orders them to get to their assigned tasks. Claude hopes that Faeron forgets about it. They act like they do.

Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds

There is more mystery to the Heroes' Relics than ever before, and the Professor's lineage is called into question. Claude suspects something is going on, but he is whisked away to attend another roundtable in his grandfather's stead, leaving Faeron to ponder the meaning of inheritance and the consequences of losing it on their own. That a nobleman could fall so low and group himself with thieves, that this has happened yet again, makes them doubt the church even further. When Miklan is defeated, Faeron is distraught. Yet another tragic end to a situation that shouldn't have existed in the first place. If only the importance of Crests was diminished. Why are they feeling so attached to a man they'd never met?

They seek physical comfort from Claude, and recount their childhood in Lord Hildebrand's household, how they were not allowed to be needy or grieve, how they were expected to keep their emotions to themselves lest they inconvenience the lord. It was out of desperation they came to the Officers Academy, and now they are once again feeling trapped by their empathy. They don't know what to do with all this pity for the late Gautier son, they've never felt so sad for someone else's sake before, and are left helpless. Claude holds their face gently, reassuring them. Now that they've found that compassion within them, they should never let it go. It's that compassion that leads to change for the better. It's with that compassion that they will navigate the future together. Realizing what he's just said, Claude stumbles to correct himself, but Faeron just laughs at him for being a sentimental old man at heart.

Chapter 6: Rumours of a Reaper

When Flayn disappears, Faeron thinks the most interesting thing about it is the link to Jeritza, who honestly didn't look like the type to kidnap young girls, though they aren't too worried about her safety overall. The Golden Deer find her, along with Monica, and this mystery student's reappearance sets Faeron on edge. Something about her is concerning, but Faeron cannot place their finger on why, and thus, without evidence to go on, they feel guilty for having such reservations on intuition alone. When Claude returns and they approach him about it, Claude is disappointed. He did not expect them to judge someone based on personal prejudice, and contemplates whether he's misjudged Faeron. One little comment puts an unprecedented strain on their relationship.

Chapter 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion

They cannot address this problem because of the upcoming Battle of the Eagle and Lion. For the month's duration, Claude and Faeron's relations are tense, and contrary to their usual arrangement, they are awkward around one another. Though Claude remains cordial and civil, Faeron cannot face him when it feels like they are holding one another at an arm's distance, and the only time they really interact is the night before the battle, when Claude goes over his strategy with the Golden Deer, and he addresses Faeron in a conversation on their strengths and how they can use them. Faeron is well aware they were judgmental, but they will not stand down. They are certain their suspicions are founded more than ever after interacting with Monica. There is something uncanny about her, how she's not quite right. There's an aura around her that no one else seems to feel, but Faeron is certain is there.

During the battle, they exchange uneasy looks before entering the fray. When Faeron is in a dire situation, their blade knocked out of their hand, and Felix aims to win, Claude stops him with a well-aimed arrow, and Faeron and Claude ease into a silent truce as they go to his side. After the mock, they sit down and awkwardly try to navigate around a conversation. Faeron admits that their disdain for Monica is based on a feeling of magical aura and nothing substantial, and reassures Claude that they'd never act on this suspicion. Claude believes them, and wonders aloud if Faeron ever felt that way about him. Truthfully, they felt that there was something odd about Claude, but not in the same way as with Monica, and they are adamant that their caution regarding Monica has nothing to do with the way she looks or where she comes from, but is a gut feeling. Claude doesn't think it's okay regardless of the reasoning, but he accepts Faeron's apology.

The conversation is mildly successful, and they manage to reach a shaky understanding, though they are not back to their usual.

Chapter 8: Flame in the Darkness

They spend Red Wolf Moon preparing for their House mission. Upon arrival in Remire Village, the students are horrified to discover villagers slaughtering each other. They must kill those villagers who have lost their minds to save the ones who are still sane, but they do so bitterly. Then Tomas reveals himself as an enemy to the church, the Death Knight reappears, and after the battle is won, tension hangs over the Golden Deer's heads, as they expect worse things to come. This makes Faeron wary of anyone associated with the Church and Garreg Mach, and they say so to Claude. If the kind and unassuming Tomas was hiding something like that... Claude holds Faeron by their face, and reasons with them, that they should not stop trusting the people they've already opened up to, because those people have proven themselves trustworthy. Faeron gazes up into Claude's eyes, and unexpected to the both of them, as it slips out by accident, promises that Claude is the only one they would never stop trusting in. It's a moment of warmth, a moment in which they forget about the strain between them, but as soon as it happens, the moment is gone, and the both of them, remembering themselves, separate to return to their personal quarters.

Chapter 9: The Cause of Sorrow

The ball nears! Lady after Lady asks Faeron if they'll have the chance to dance with them, and as expected of a Lord, Faeron cannot say no to a pretty face. Like a Lady, however, Faeron has a specific dance partner in mind, and wishes he would ask. Nothing outwardly changes about their behaviour before the ball, except that they are more wistful, and sigh dreamily while gazing out the window, unable to concentrate on any of their assigned tasks. Come the night of the ball, having still not been asked, Faeron twirls partner after partner around the ballroom, remaining elegant even through their distraction and well-hidden disappointment. Late into the night, Faeron bids their classmates farewell, and leaves to take a walk through the monastery, where they hum the ballroom music to themselves. 

Under the watchful gaze of the goddess in the Goddess Tower, Faeron is struck with the urge to pray for the first time since they became a student, and they do, wishing very strongly for the one thing they've wanted this whole night. As though the Goddess heard them, a second voice joins Faeron's humming, and Claude appears from the shadows with the moonlight shining on him like a heavenly vision. He asks Faeron what they're praying so hard for, and Faeron says that it doesn't matter, because their prayer has been answered. There, they dance to the distant music from the ballroom and their own humming. Claude teases Faeron. They wanted him to ask, right? Faeron dodges the question, the two of them play a little cat and mouse game, but eventually, Faeron yields and confesses that they really did want Claude to ask them to dance, and though Claude plays like he's smug and says that he expected it, his face is red, because he wanted Faeron to want him to ask. 

It seems the Goddess is not done with them yet however, and when the moonlight bathes them, Faeron doesn't just see but also feels the heat in Claude's eyes, and Claude catches a glimpse of his future in Faeron's. There's only a moment of hesitation before the both of them lean in and share their first kiss. In the moments that follow, Claude holds Faeron close. It's not a full on declaration like how Claude did it, but Faeron quietly promises to Claude to follow him no matter where he goes, and if that meant meeting him in Garreg Mach in five years, then that's where they'll be. Despite not wanting to let each other go, they must return to their personal quarters before the night guard catches them. 

The end of the month breeds tragedy with the murder of Jeralt by Monica. As the Golden Deer watch his life pass away at Byleth's side, Faeron is reminded of Noah, and instead of retreating in private like usual, begins to cry openly, perhaps for the first time showing such blatant weakness in front of their classmates. The Golden Deer return to the monastery and leave Byleth to grieve, while Claude sneaks away to find Faeron, who initially pretends to be fine, only to start crying again when Claude gently prods them on their reaction to Jeralt's passing. 

Faeron recounts their childhood, how they did not see their parents for months before they were told they'd died, how they were right at their uncle's bedside as he died, how the entire estate pretended like everything was okay because they didn't know how to handle a kid's grief, and how their caretaker wanted nothing to do with it either, putting in place a rule against any loud displays of emotion, such as crying or yelling. Adults don't cry or scream, and they certainly don't make a big show of their feelings. They handle their grief in private, they keep it to themselves and present the image of strength and serenity to the outside world. Lord Hartwin did not know how to console a grieving child, nor did he want to, so he convinced Faeron it was a bad thing to seek comfort from others, especially if you didn't know whether the face they showed you was true or not. Faeron concedes that perhaps Lord Hartwin was merely paranoid and not speaking out of any profound experience, but how would they have known as a kid? And now, having watched Byleth cry over their father and be comforted by everyone, it reminds Faeron of what they didn't get to do — grieve. 

Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells

And so that is what Claude helps Faeron do. Grieve for their professor, and grieve for their parents and uncle, to help them start moving with the rest of the world again. All the while, the Knights of Seiros search for the perpetrator. Soon, Solon's whereabouts are discovered in the Sealed Forest, and the Golden Deer head out without the Knights to face Jeralt's murderers head on. Claude cautions them against reckless vengeance, opting for subterfuge. Just when it seems the battle is won and Byleth has Kronya on the run, Solon appears to cast the Spell of Zahras, trapping both the injured Kronya and the professor in a dimension of darkness, leaving the Golden Deer to fight against Solon to bide time for Byleth. In mere moments, they reveal themselves from a fissure in space, hair and eye colour changed, and with immense power. The fight against Solon is hard won, but the celebration is cut short as Byleth collapses and must be carried back to the monastery. 

Once their status is confirmed, Claude takes Faeron for a stroll around the monastery, and quietly recounts what the professor has told him about Sothis. He then stops suddenly, and turns to Faeron with a grave look in his eyes. Faeron stares right into them, breaking out in a cold sweat. Claude apologizes. He then elaborates. He is apologizing for not trusting Faeron's judgment of Monica, for making them feel guilty, like they were being prejudiced. Claude recognizes Faeron's experiences with people might be different than his, that while he isolates himself and hangs around the outside of any social group, Faeron isolates themselves within their social group, so they are better at reading people than he is, and therefore, well... He gets lost in his own apology, prompting Faeron to laugh and throw their arms around him. Since when did this man's opinion matter so much to them, that hearing these words settles all of their doubts and insecurities? If Claude trusts in them, then that's all they need. There was nothing to forgive, but they do, of course they do. 

Chapter 11: Throne of Knowledge

They go into Pegasus Moon confident in their standing and without any personal distractions. Now their focus is on the secrets that the Archbishop is keeping concerning Byleth. The opportunity to find out more presents itself when they are set to accompany the professor in the Holy Tomb for when they receive their revelation from the Goddess. How can someone who is one with the Goddess still receive a revelation from her? What is the purpose of Rhea being there, as well as the students? The both of them are suspicious, though Claude feels it best not to dwell on it, as they'd find out soon. Faeron on the other hand wants to know the answer right away. If the professor really is one with the Goddess, then they can answer a question Faeron has concerning the ball. They have a private conversation with Byleth where they ask about the Goddess's involvement that night. Were they meant to dance with Claude, to... be with him? Byleth doesn't have any idea whether Sothis involved herself in it or not, but they smile and nod and say that whatever happened was fated, and Faeron laughs at that. The idea of fate is too sentimental for them. They know that Byleth is lying, yet it doesn't bother them. Perhaps they already knew the answer.

Or perhaps something is incomplete about Byleth's unification with Sothis, because nothing happens when they sit at the throne of the Goddess. The time to dwell on the implications passes them, as the Imperial Army, led by Metodey and the Flame Emperor, invade the Holy Tomb to steal the Crest Stones from the caskets, and march against the Archbishop and the Golden Deer. In a gruesome turn of events, the Flame Emperor is unmasked and revealed to be Edelgard. Before they can make a move against her, Hubert appears and escapes with her using magic. Shortly after, Edelgard as Emperor of the Adrestian Empire declares war on the Church of Seiros, and the Alliance finds itself in the middle of all-out war as the lords and dukes of both the Kingdom and the Alliance are called to make a choice between the Empire and the Church. They have no choice but to prepare for battle. The Imperial Army arrives at Garreg Mach in two weeks.

Chapter 12: To War

Faeron joins Claude and the Golden Deer when they team up with Dimitri and the Knights of Seiros to defend Garreg Mach from the Adrestian Empire. They are crushed by the Imperial Army, and are forced to surrender, losing Byleth in the process of the battle.

"End of spoilers!"

War Phase

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Silver Snow

Faeron sets out to find Claude. After years of searching, Faeron comes across a familiar face in the farthest reaches of Almyra, in a mountain valley cut off from the rest of the country. Though he is ragged and has grown a beard, Faeron recognizes him immediately. They have many difficult conversations, including a confession. Now that they have reconciled, Faeron needs to set off to Escea to fulfill their promise. What surprises them is Claude wanting to come with them, but not as Claude von Riegan, as he wanted that name to disappear from history. Claude takes on the identity of Hydarnes, and after Faeron is crowned King in Imperial Year 1194, he lives on as King Faeron Ambersun's closet confidant and right hand man. They marry privately in Imperial Year 1196.

Crimson Flower

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Azure Moon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu cursus nisl, id lobortis arcu. Curabitur facilisis nisl sit amet congue imperdiet. Nullam eu eros metus. Ut vitae ex a lacus tempus tincidunt non vitae ex. Vivamus ut odio a purus malesuada lacinia. Suspendisse pharetra consectetur elit, a scelerisque lorem cursus a. Phasellus a convallis urna. Ut sit amet tellus metus. Sed condimentum sapien nec ex sollicitudin, a posuere quam viverra. Pellentesque enim metus, feugiat eget eros eu, aliquam convallis odio. Aliquam dapibus vulputate ante quis vehicula. Maecenas ac ante eleifend, egestas tortor vel, rutrum magna. Donec tincidunt hendrerit mauris, vitae ornare tellus varius in. Nam vel enim sed justo bibendum sagittis et ac sapien.

Verdant Wind

After the war, they part ways to tend to their own ambitions. Soon after Claude becomes King of Almyra, he arrives in Escea with Almyran soldiers as reinforcements to Faeron and The Purists, and aids in the efforts against The Reformists in a decisive battle. Faeron is crowned King of Escea in Imperial Year 1191. Claude announces their marriage shortly after, and a strong alliance is forged between Almyra and Escea. It is then that Faeron announces their pregnancy, and steps down from the throne to allow Alexius Ambersun's son, Achilles, now of age, to take the throne in their stead. Faeron lives their true dream thereafter as a travelling scholar by Claude's side. Their greatest achievement is The Swinging Garden in the Almyran Palace, where people visit from far and wide to see the legendary apple orchard.


"I'm usually the one making others swoon, but The Master Tactician turned my strategy back on me. I guess they call this irony."
― Faeron, talking about Claude

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum lacus ut turpis imperdiet, a faucibus quam tincidunt. Phasellus ac aliquam ligula. Phasellus gravida dolor scelerisque lorem semper consectetur. Morbi et sem eu velit dignissim eleifend. Mauris vitae rhoncus orci. Proin ac neque aliquet, dignissim felis vel, egestas massa. Vivamus in vehicula nisl. Donec a venenatis dolor. Cras sed ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eleifend volutpat nunc quis eleifend. Mauris lacinia mi eu nunc ornare, nec vestibulum nulla sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras ut lacus pulvinar, sollicitudin odio sit amet, ultrices dui.

Nullam finibus eros et ante fringilla vulputate. Cras tincidunt quam a pulvinar tempus. Morbi vestibulum neque vitae ligula ultrices, ut feugiat quam posuere. Fusce molestie ante eu blandit accumsan. Nunc nec orci a augue fermentum pulvinar et in ante. Maecenas varius ac ligula quis accumsan. Proin at ligula tincidunt, aliquam sapien ut, hendrerit mauris. Vestibulum id aliquet purus. Sed egestas nisl eleifend facilisis porta. In bibendum ac sapien in convallis. Donec sed metus elementum, convallis ex id, congue urna. Etiam vel sapien et magna finibus tincidunt. Proin nibh eros, semper ut mi in, convallis aliquam ligula. Morbi sit amet elementum nunc. Cras aliquet imperdiet magna sed semper. Duis finibus purus non leo malesuada, non pretium eros porttitor.


Swimming in the MoonlightBad Suns

Though we're moving quickly 
It feels I've waited all my life 
Until this moment 
I'd only dreamed of paradise

GoldenHippo Campus

Why is it I want to change for you 
Why is it I want to see this through 
Maybe I'm sick of sleeping 
Longer nights with lesser feelings


Whoa, amber is the color of your energy 
Whoa, shades of gold display naturally
You want to know what brings me here 
You glide through my head, blind to fear

We Can Build a FireAutoheart

Who in their right mind
did you think you'd find
standing behind you, 
your guardian angel?

VenusSleeping at Last

At first I thought you were a constellation. 
I made a map of your stars, then I had a revelation:
You're as beautiful as endless,
You're the universe I'm helpless in.

Dear Fellow TravellerSea Wolf

You spoke my language
And touched my limbs
It wasn't difficult
To pull me from myself again

Lover of the LightMumford & Sons

So love the one you hold
And I'll be your goal
To have and to hold
A lover of the light

Like the DawnThe Oh Hello's

You were the brightest shade of sun I had ever seen
Your skin was gilded with the gold of the richest kings
And like the dawn you woke the world inside of me
You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you

Who We AreImagine Dragons

Because it's who we are
Doesn't matter if we've gone too far
Doesn't matter if it's all okay
Doesn't matter if it's not our day

King and LionheartOf Monsters and Men

His crown lit up the way as we moved slowly
past the wandering eyes of the ones that were left behind
Though far away, though far away, though far away,
we're still the same, we're still the same, we're still the same


  • They can be represented by the mythological characters of Rostam and Tahmina that feature in the Persian epic of Shahnameh. Rostam is the most celebrated legendary hero in Shahnameh and Persian mythology, and was always represented as the mightiest of Iranian paladins (holy warriors). Tahmina was Rostam's wife. They meet when Rostam loses his horse Rakhsh, and Tahmina's father, the King of Samangan, provides Rostam with lodging. That night, Tahmina steals away into Rostam's quarters and declares her love for him. She hid away all her life, for she could not find any man as her equal until she gazed upon Rostam, and against all rationale, she needed to confess to him. They call a priest, and are married then and there.
  • Their Disney AU is The Little Mermaid, where Claude is Prince Eric, and Faeron is Ariel.
  • Their primary colours are yellow and orange, evoking an image of the sun, of gold, of amber, and feelings of energy, life, and joy. Their secondary colours are green and brown, evoking an image of nature, soil, and jade, and feelings of exploration, learning, and meditation.
  • The identity Claude takes on in the Silver Snow route is in reference to Hydarnes, a Persian nobleman of the Achaemenid Empire in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC. During the Second Persian invasion of Greece in 480 BC, Hydarnes was given command of "The Immortals," an elite heavily-armed infantry queued unit of 10,000 soldiers in the army of the Achaemenid Empire. Thus, this new name completes Claude's inspiration (that of his last battalion, "The Immortal Corps," as well as that of his design, as the Persian Achaemenid archers were depicted as wearing yellow and had one earring.)

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne