Guadalupe Lucien



4 years, 4 months ago


An oddity amongst her fellow mutants, Guadalupe hails from South America and was sent to the school for gifted youngsters at the age of 15, now at 20 years old (having spent just under 5 years there) Guadalupe is free to explore the world as she knows it. 

With the ability to manipulate water (with the addition of her constantly storing it in her horns) Guadalupe has always had a connection to the oceans and rivers around her.

Though tending to be quite calm and hard to read, Guadalupe loves to garden and has a garden of her own. She probably loves to garden due to always being able to give plants just enough water to survive, no more, no less.

Guadalupe can also be described as cunning, mysterious and could know more than meets the eye, she keeps her friendship circles small but seems to have almost adopted Renga as her younger sibling.

Later on it's revealed that Guadalupe's mother was a demon, and her father was a mutant with elemental manipulation. Feeling as if she didn't fit in as such with the others, Guadalupe isolated herself from everyone but Renga and became friends with Triss, another "monster". 


- water manipulation 

- water conjuring 

- can breathe underwater

design notes: 

- horns are made of glass, the fish swim around in them

- pointed ears!

- hair fades to a lighter blue

- always wears some kind of flower

- piercings

 - blue sclera