


4 years, 3 months ago


Price: $30

Name: Tempest

Age: 21

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Height: 5'4"

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Actor/Flying Type Gym Leader

From a young age, growing up in Wedgehurst, Tempest was only truly invigorated by two things; classic theatre and pokemon battles. With her two passions projecting her forward, the young woman became a major component in an acting troupe dedicated to keeping Galar's classics alive and available to be seen by the public, as well as rising to a position as a gym leader in her hometown. 

Her specialty in battle is a focus on dual-typing and subverting suspected type advantages through learned moves.

Outside of acting and battles, Tempest is a pretty flighty person, often times completely forgetting what it is she has to do that day with a nonchalant shrug before going to doze in the grass. When she's on the stage or battlefield, however, she's extremely diligent and tactical, giving it her all. She's very affectionate and cuddly with her pokemon, constantly praising them for putting on such wonderful performances. She takes the idea of everyone being an actor to heart, and will very much let you know if she's bored by your performance by dozing off, or if you show her a truly magnificent battle, she'll be one of your biggest fans and supporters. Very blunt and has a wry sense of humor.


- Windy Days

- Passionate Performances

- Sausage Curry

- Cuddling Pokemon (All pokemon you COWARDS)


- Cloudy Days

- Lifeless Performances

- Cream Curry

- People saying her pokemon aren't adorable


- Her trainer number (283) can be pronounced "tsu-ba-sa" or "wings"

- Tends to doze off during battle if the battle isn't interesting

- Raised her Gyarados from a Magikarp

Team info: