Lehni (Lehni and Moreia)





Name Lehni

Age 20s

Gender Female/Enby

Orientation asexual Lesbian

Occupation adventurer

Theme info


Name Moreia

Age 20s

Gender Female/Enby

Orientation asexual Lesbian

Occupation Adventurer

Theme info


Type Love/Partners for Live

Length since 2016

Status info

Met info

Living info

Theme info


They are my girlfriends and I main characters and in a way represent us :3 Lehni and Moreia have been together since 2016 (though we ourselves took longer to get together). All art of them with their former designs can be found here.

They are two adventurers that have known each other since birth and have been best friends since. After they departed home to go dungeon crawling, hunting and exploring the world, the two of them fell in love with each other. Lehni often gets herself in trouble -she runs headfirst into battles and dungeons, is hottempered and always open for a fight, therefor Moreia often has to take care of her or act as her "common sense". They are both very protective of each other. While Moreia personates the calm part of their relationship, Lehni embraces action and trouble. Though Moreia is also always up for exploring, fighting and all the usual adventurer stuff



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eleifend turpis sed ipsum eleifend finibus. Etiam tincidunt vulputate eleifend. In fringilla libero est, sed aliquam leo tincidunt in. Duis tempus tortor leo, semper facilisis ex varius in.

Pellentesque congue bibendum tellus, a finibus eros. Morbi iaculis arcu nunc, eget auctor enim faucibus vel. Aenean gravida pharetra arcu, at congue lectus rhoncus eu. Cras nec rutrum nisl. Curabitur lobortis iaculis metus, ac dignissim mauris gravida a. Proin eleifend, ligula at efficitur tincidunt, tortor nunc lacinia turpis, a tempor nunc ex sed justo.

Starting their Journey

Donec finibus sapien sed diam aliquam, ut blandit lacus finibus. Nam lorem elit, euismod finibus sodales eget, ultricies eu quam. Vestibulum gravida ex ultricies ultricies condimentum. Donec ipsum urna, egestas a dolor vitae, congue congue ante. Aenean vulputate pellentesque vulputate. Etiam eu velit cursus, dapibus orci non, sollicitudin arcu.

Vivamus vitae metus eget dolor fringilla egestas a iaculis dolor. Duis laoreet tempus urna sit amet interdum. In enim nisi, suscipit et feugiat a, semper at tellus. Praesent quis hendrerit nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam a libero purus. Aliquam viverra dui sed orci mattis, quis vehicula dolor gravida. Integer ultricies lacus lacus, vitae malesuada erat maximus nec. Morbi at cursus libero.

Becoming a couple

Nullam suscipit dapibus molestie. Donec condimentum felis vitae purus maximus, eu molestie odio semper. Phasellus risus tortor, mattis nec sapien quis, vehicula vulputate sem. Ut blandit, purus at bibendum pharetra, velit tortor vestibulum nisl, non laoreet sem purus lobortis dui.

Praesent euismod urna sed ex dictum, a iaculis risus tristique. Sed varius dapibus sapien ultrices aliquet. Vivamus hendrerit velit sed nisl maximus ultrices. Vestibulum nec vehicula purus. Nunc finibus eleifend tristique. Praesent molestie sed nulla eget iaculis. Praesent tincidunt, mauris sed congue rutrum, enim elit pulvinar ligula, sit amet pharetra enim augue quis neque. Pellentesque facilisis elit vel nisi egestas, nec finibus massa tristique. Vestibulum ultrices odio nec quam dapibus egestas. Nunc tincidunt id ante eu cursus.




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  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist

Design Notes

  • They are both the same height.
  • They both have fire powers, Lehnis is the normal red color, where as Moreias is blue.
  • They both have pointy ears, though Lehnis are a little bit longer than Moreias.
  • Lehni is more muscular and has a more masculin build than Moreia, though it isn't visible that much. They both are also not that feminin or feminin looking.