Type 3



4 years, 4 months ago


The archiver 
Name Three
Gender Male
Age 21
Birthday October 3rd
Height 175cm
Occupation Fashion Guru

Adaptive, excelling, driven and image-conscious. Three is a person with a clear vision of the things he wants to achieve and he will do anything for the sake of it. Warm-hearted with those he trusts and has nearby, he shows his arms and money open to help with whatever he can. 

He shows pretty outgoingly to the rest of the world. Three will never shut his mouth as soon as he has an opinion and this has made him get into a lot of troubles since he was a kid. Very strict with looks, he can spend hours just to pick what he is gonna wear. He can get really annoying when it comes to talking about money. It is not that he intends to brag all the time of how much money he has, he's just too used to his 'rich life', words come out by themselves. By heart, he is the most humble person you'll ever meet, but at first? Oh boy...

"Looks are what the world sees and I want the world to see a fabulously rich man"

Three is one of those kids that grew up surrounded by everything he could want. Coming from a rich family has given him an easy way through life since before he was even able to talk. Being a spoiled kid, however, never really made him believe he was superior to others. On the contrary, he saw himself as someone who needed to gain his position by getting things in life the hard way and to help those that were in way worst conditions than him. Sometimes he has made his own life more difficult just to show he was capable of. 

Studied Fine Arts to please his parent's dreams, even though he has always felt a big call from the fashion side, which pushed him to open his own site that became kinda big in between a few months. This is a thing he hides away from his whole family since none of them seem very supportive of their son wearing makeup or 'girly' clothes. He hates to hide things from his family but is terrified by the idea of them not supporting him not being disappointed in the things he does, especially when it comes to his parents. Luckily he has his younger brother, Six, who is completely okay with what Six does in secret and making it difficult to find his site for any of their family members.

  • Black Coffee
  • Fashion Gurus
  • Art Auctions
  • Valentino
  • Problematic people
  • Spiders (any bug actually)
  • Racism
  • Bananas