Type 1



4 years, 4 months ago


the reformer 
Name One
Gender Male
Birthday December 25th
Height 183cm
Occupation Photography Student

Principled, purposeful, self.controlled and perfectionistic. One is the kind of person who hates just to cross the street when the light is red. It is not that he wants to be the perfect citizen, but he doesn't want to be the worst either. He's very conscious of his actions and the actions of others, and something really bad needs to happen for him to be able to break any kind of rules. 

A perfectionist is maybe not worlded enough for him. Everything he does has such a clean and detailed touch is almost etherial when you look at it. He is really dedicated to the things he does, not because he wants to get recognition or to show off, he just likes to get things done the best way possible. The only flaw you might say this 'perfection' thing of his has is that he is always late. It doesn't matter if he gets ready on time, he can get distracted with anything on the way. Especially markets, once he gets in you'd be lucky if he gets out in less than 30 minutes. 

'How can't you see it? Everything is tilted 5mm to the left!'

He grew up in a carefree family. His whole childhood was based on unexpected travels and crazy things that were possibly illegal. He loves his family, but when it comes to the way of livings he always felt really apart from them. One got his first camera when he was only 6 years old and immediately knew that was something he wanted to live off the rest of his life. When he started going to university he moved so he could start making a living for his own in his own way, but not later than a year before that, his family got a reposition and he immediately asked them to move in with him. His family insisted for him to have his own room, but still, finding time to be quiet and relaxed is very difficult for him. He lives with several family members in a little apartment next to the University Campus. 

  • Technology
  • Moomin
  • Traveling
  • Playing Chess
  • Commotion
  • Ghosts
  • Animal Abuse
  • Names that start with the letter Z