Soeng FanTou



4 years, 4 months ago


soeng Fantou 

"I will never blindly follow, nor blindly lead"
Basic Info

Name [???]
Age [27]
Height [4'6]
Weight [107]
Gender [Distraction]
Species [Demigod (Child of Hecate)]
Birthday [June 9, 19??]
pronouns [He/they]
ethnicity [HongKonger/Japanese]
Occupation [Traditional Fan Dancer]
Orientation [???]
S/O [N/A]
Design Notes

  • Very pretty
  • Pale, almost white skin
  • White, straight hair
  • Red eyes with long lashes
  • Tassel-like ear piercings
  • Usually dressed in traditional cheongsams 

  • Fatal Flaw: ???
  • Powers: Umbrakinesis, Mystiokinesis, Prophecy, Necromancy, Trivial Knowledge
  • Greatest Fear: ???
  • Theme: ???
  • Languages: Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), English, Japanese
  • Soeng - Monk, Fan - Immortal, Tou - Rabbit

He seems to be rather nervous and shy, with a naturally curious side. He often asks what things are, and if asked in return, he will 100% answer "I don't know!" Continuing to pressure him, or making him feel pressed in any way, will result in his crying and shouting "I really don't know!" 

Yet, some people catch a glimpse of his cunning and wit. He's always four steps ahead of everyone.

He enjoys asking people to describe him to himself, often telling them to name him themselves.

He has a habit of calling people 'brother' and 'sister.' If they are noticeably older than him, he will refer to them as 'aunt' or 'uncle.'


  • Dancing
  • Pretty things
  • Wordplay

  • Being pressured
  • His body
  • Being asked the same thing multiple times

He never talks about his history. All of this is for Ryan to remember. 

He was born in Hong Kong, given the name FanTou, to a Japanese businessman and a HongKong "housewife." His father returned to Japan after four years, leaving the wife and FanTou homeless and penniless. The wife decided that she would take FanTou to her hometown, in Greece. They, with no money, walked across Asia. However, around Tibet, disaster struck- in a whirlwind of confusion, scales, and light, FanTou found himself alone outside of a bland monastery in the mountains. The monks lovingly took him in and raised him, naming him Yangchen. He kept everyone smiling with his friendly laughter and innate curiosity. 

They understood that FanTou wouldn't stay forever, as he remembered his mother, although faintly, and wanted to meet her in Greece. They prepared for him to live, but not for what happened before it. 

FanTou uncovered a secret life amongst the monks, outing one of the newer members as an assassin. The Chinese government had been vying for the monastery for years, but the head of the monastery refused to allow it, and with help from the Dalai Lama, kept their land under their control. The assassin was here to slay the Abbot and therefore give the land to the government. 

This was not the last time FanTou revealed something so shocking. He left Tibet to find his father in Japan, under the name Atsushi. He worked for his father, who stayed oblivious, for a few years, before somehow stumbling upon a rather large tax evasion scam. Being the wonderful, lawful person he is, FanTou turned his father in, and got a lovely reward bounty for it. With this, he could visit his old house in Hong Kong, under a new name- BiMing. 

However, the World War 2 had already hit Hong Kong, which was under Japan's rule at the moment. Full of the need to do what's right, FanTou joined the rebels and rioted in the streets, graffiting, and fighting Japanese soldiers, which he was exceptionally good at. However, as you've noticed, where FanTou is, there's also something unseen. One of the rebel leaders was a spy for Japan, passing along rebel information. Absolutely disgusted, FanTou flung himself into battle, armed with nothing but a replica war fan, a gift from a friend. Somehow, FanTou beat the spy, and while many wanted him to stay and help, a fire was sparked in him, and he left for China the moment the war was over, a year later, under a new name to pursue his new passion- fan dancing. 

FanTou, now FenHuang, immediately struck it big, his slender, pale form a favourite as he dazzled audiences with his flexibility and beauty. He loved the attention, but often cried when audience members caught him backstage and pressured him for details on himself. By shouting "I don't know, please leave me alone!" FanTou learnt that many people didn't like the trouble of a crying pretty mess yelling at the top of their lungs. He was usually left alone after that.


Not all men are very happy to be turned down, especially drunk men who were expecting a pretty girl, and instead got a pretty boy. FanTou's  oppressor attacked out of anger and embarrassment, and while FanTou tried his best to defend himself, his throat was slit. It was messy and jagged, leaving him to bleed out, but he conjured up all of his strength and slammed his fans into his attacker's eyes, immediately killing him. FanTou died moments later from blood loss. 

Yes, FanTou was technically a good person, but he did many despicable things, not limited to lying, stealing, trespassing, stalking, breaking MANY laws, and murder (although it was technically self-defense, FanTou was already beyond help by the time he killed his attacker. It was straight up revenge.) As he found out, he was a child of the Goddess Hecate, and therefore his soul belonged to the Underworld. He was placed in the Fields of Asphodel. 

Usually, one just wanders around. However, FanTou was full of resentment and anger that his good intentions were tainted by the "few" misdeeds. He did everything he could to keep his mind sharp, reciting songs, poems, performing dances, and remembering every name he ever called himself. 

Many wandering souls spilled out from 2012 to 2016, one of them being FanTou's. With a rush of light, he found himself stuck in an odd city, unable to leave, with no information. Yes, he was flesh and blood, clothed in the same cheongsam he wore as he died, but with a funny device in his hand and no fans. He quickly learnt about the new world, about everything that was wrong, and he stayed hidden and used his skills to live,until he was sure he wasn't going to be dragged back into the boring hell. 


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.