


4 years, 4 months ago


19347143_9UOHNHleEk3ERNf.png?1584389371I don't hate marriage, or love, or monogamy, I just like to have sex. I don't understand why you're so confused. Here, let me show you. 


-Title Dancer

-Public Name Lovers-In-The-Fog

-Nicknames Love, Fog

-True Name Flowers-Without-Roots

-Family Name None

-Relative Age Senior Adult

-Rank Performer (Dancer)

-Sex Female

-Skills Chameleon, Comedian

Physical Information

-Build Short and Fat

-Fur Type Powdery

-Most Common Expression Flirty

-Accessories None

-Other Her fur ruff is always heart-shaped

Spiritual Information

-Cosmic Name Arziy

-Familiar None

-Magical Ability None


















- Her mom and dad call her Skitty

- She gives everyone and anyone she meets a nickname. It cannot be fought or changed

-Very lazy and HATES working. She'll do anything to get out of doing work
     -Yes, anything 

-When her sister Raccoon left for Blue Lake, it took her a very long time to come to terms with it and be okay. She still wishes her sister would come home to Green Forest instead of staying in such a far clowder

-She spends a lot of time with her remaining brother in the clowder ever since their brother Rock passed away
     -Even though they really don't get along much or see eye-to-eye, she wishes Misty would come around more often to spend more time with the family in the wake of their brother's death, and finds her dedication to her clowder over her family a bit abhorrent

- Human AU Name: Lauren

Parents and Siblings

-Maternal Grandparents 

        Bees-Buzzing [Deceased]

-Paternal Grandparents 

        Rustling-Bushes [Deceased]
        Blizzard [Deceased]








        Stones-Rolling-Down-Tree [Deceased]





Spouse and Offspring










Out of all her siblings, Fog butts heads with Misty far more than anyone else. Misty is very close to being the exact opposite of Fog in every way, and their ideologies frequently come into question when they spend time together. Fog is very quick to criticize her sister, and it's easy to get her to gripe about how Fog thinks Misty is betraying her family by putting her job before her family. Despite this, Fog still loves her sister deeply, and longs for her to come home and spend more time with her and Snake. 


Fog felt very betrayed when Raccoon made her permanent home in Blue Lake, and it took her a while to begin to come to terms with it or accept it, and even still she will sometimes make an offhanded comment or joke to Raccoon about moving back in the hopes that Raccoon actually will. She felt a strained in her relationship with Raccoon for a while, but over time she's come to terms with the separation and they've become close once more. She still dislikes the distance and the effort it takes to contact Raccoon, but she does value the time they get to spend together, and is thankful for it.


During his life Stone and Fog were never quite as close as Fog was with some of their other siblings like Raccoon or Snake, but she never really had any reason to dislike him. Stone had a very slow and mellow lifestyle, while Fog much prefers a more energetic and outgoing crowd, but she was always happy to find that Stone was very content to listen to her (often incredibly unsafe for child ears) stories of her adventures around the clowders without passing judgement or shaming her. Stone's death shocked and deeply shook Fog to her core, and she was despondent and hollow for a very long time after his passing. She fell into a very deep depression, and she was very slow to recover. She misses him deeply, and tries very hard to not think about him being gone, but his death gave her a very deep appreciation for her remaining siblings, and it is in part due to this that she is willing to work past major roadblocks in her relationships with her family to keep her family close to her. 


Fog gets along best with Snake, both due to proximity and due to how similar their personalities are. Between Misty's straight-laced nature and Raccoon's shy, quiet demeanor she always found her much more easily able to mesh with Snake over her other siblings. She loves to run new pick-up lines by him and to swap tales of their relationship and fling victories and woes. She spends a lot of time with him and loves to pawn her work off on others in order to spend more time with him whenever possible, and is very happy that their jobs give them the occasional opportunity to work together.

Outside Sources

- None Yet

Drawn Template by hatoCAFE and feliisvulpes

Written Template by hatoCAFE, HarmonicPeeps, and feliisvulpes

Template Coded by HarmonicPeeps