


7 years, 6 months ago


Super short amazing description: puppy

Full name: Blackjack
Animal (Equivalent to Ethnicity): Mutt (of Wolf/Fox descent)
Age: Stuck at 14
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'1
Body type: Petite
Misc.: some sort of time travel shenanigans going on here

Likes: Rajah, Reva, running, talking, girls, hugs
Dislikes: Violence, Dahlia, talking about his past, vegetables
Character backstory:
Despite looking and acting like a 14 year old, Blackjack says he is "technically over 100 years old", though he is not an Immortal (demigod). Impish in nature, he's very clingy, hyper and generally kind of annoying. Innocently obsessed with girls and makes a point to tell every girl he sees that she's "the prettiest girl I've ever seen", and he means it. He REALLY likes Rajah (and Reva) and dutifully follows him around like the puppy he is. Against Rajah's will he takes Reva under his wing to be their adoptive older brother. Clearly Blackjack has some sort of need for a parental figure, since as much as he follows Rajah around as his friend, he obviously wants the same fatherly attention Rajah gives to his own child, Reva. To add to his mysterious (although clearly orphaned) background, Blackjack has a power that he describes as "I can be anywhere I need to be, any time." He tends to pop up out of nowhere at any given moment (much to Rajah's surprise and dismay, always). He is suspected to have some sort of teleportation power, but he doesn't like to discuss it. The compensation for this (extremely rare) godsend seems to have drastically affected him. (Note: A 'godsend' is a supernatural power granted to an individual, which comes with some sort of 'compensation', i.e. some sort of sacrifice.)
Suggested Listening:
None yet!