The Sungazer (Modern AU)



3 years, 6 months ago


(Modern AU) Sungazer

"Unfortunately, the top floor of the Lodge is off limits to guests. If you'd like to stay there, you'll have to offer something a bit more... all-encompassing."

The Sungazer in any non-Fallout, moderately present day AU

Still a malicious, cannibalistic cult leader, only now he's also the ice cold owner of the Parhelia Ski Lodge and Resort up in Nevada's Spring Mountains, a very popular and prestigious hotel that finances most of the cult's secret operations. Can sometimes be found on the resort grounds, surveying day to day operations, but you'll be even more likely to find him out of the country on frequent "business expenditures," indulging in vices and seedy dealings before coming home to praise the Anthelion's name.

  • Only wears a skull mask during cult rituals--it resembles some sort of dinosaur skull more than a Deathclaw this time.
  • Keeps a meticulously clean, sparsely decorated office on the top floor of the lodge. The floor is scrubbed sparkling and bare, but occasionally you might spot a few flecks of blood on it...
  • Enjoys various rich people sports, primarily skiing, golf, and hunting.
  • Does peyote :/