Lazuli £131



4 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Current Value



Owner: Puddle                                           Species: Granthrow | Direthrow
Name: Lazuli
Age: 13 years
Bloodline: n/a
Birthdate: December 20th, 2019
Upload Date: March 25th, 2020
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Status: single (likes Almach)
Parents: Aodhán (Adopted)
- Korbie, Kepita | from Almach

Personality: Lazuli is full of life, friendly and loves to look after others, be it animals or her brother, Culvyr. She may come across as a simpleton or airhead, but Laz is surprisingly intelligent when it comes to herbs, healing and understanding others. Early on, she realized she wouldn't be content staying in one place long, so wanders the continent, searching for those who might have need of her skills and knowledge. Lazuli is rather impulsive, but always has the best of intentions in helping others. As she grows in her friendship with Almach, he tempers her rash behavior and she is slowly learning to think and watch before jumping in to help.

History: Laz and her brother Culvyr were born to a quiet pack of direthrow. When they were barely a year old, their parents were killed in a freak avalanche and the pack scattered. Unable to find anyone they knew, the siblings grew more than lost and ended up heading south, where they ran into Aodhan, who was quick to adopt the pair of lost cubs. A few years later, Lazuli ran into a lanthrax named Almach, who's personality and care of his cubs meshed with her own. She ended up going with him after ensuring her brother would be all right and traveled back to Al Shifa with Almach and his son, Kantor. Laz easily made friends with Mach's mentor, Corvina and enjoyed learning all sorts of things to help others during her time with the healing pack.

As time went on, Laz grew worried for the brother she'd left behind and he began cropping up in her thoughts more and more. Mach suggested taking a trip back to see her family and she agreed instantly, taking off before she could change her mind -- or Mach could decide whether he wanted to go with her or not. The direthrow found her way home after long months of travel, only to find Culvyr had found himself a mate and family on his own. Feeling she wasn't really needed nearly broke her heart, but Aodhan caught her before she did anything stupid and convinced her it wasn't the lack of her that Culvyr needed, but that the siblings had both grown up and simply went different ways. Much relieved, Laz decided to return home to her new friends in Al Shifa after telling her brother where she'd be.

After a few months back home, Laz realized she wasn't content there, either, but wasn't sure what to do until Almach suggested she travel. He nabbed her before she pelted off excitedly and sat her down to *plan* for her travel and ensure she remained safe. She didn't quite like leaving Almach behind again, but her heart wanted to travel too much to be happy staying.

Deep in the heart of the forest, Laz ran into Hydra, who had parked herself in a nearby cave and the two shared the cheerful gran's home for a time. Hydra chose to stay with Lazuli and help protect the big-hearted dire as she traveled.


Chantilly, Hydra, Lazuli and Eridani have come to live in Sameya's deep forest glen and the four girls struck up an odd sort of friendship. Sam enjoys being the 'ghost' that haunts the forest - in a sense, protecting the others, while Hydra is their warrior and Laz is the healer.

Random facts:
-- Laz is jealous of merthrow. Their lack of back legs just freak her out, but she envies their ease in the water. It's complicated.
-- Lazuli has an unusually bass voice for a female. Early in her life, she caught sick and while she recovered just fine, her voice was never the same.
-- She loves the sea, frogs, lakes and swamps, despite her wariness of merthrow. Especially frogs. Laz often mimics their base croaks late at night, making those nearby laugh.
-- Lazuli really likes Almach, but is afraid to commit for fear he doesn't like her back in that way. They're both sort of do this dance of 'i like you but do you like me' around one another.

Stats: STR – 6 | RES – 3 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 3
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: UC | Eyes: UC
Mutation: Direthrow
Special Base: n/a


Siblings: Culvyr
Value: traded with 6 existing pieces of art. (4 extras, 1 cub and 1 adult official art) - Value of £71 starts from there.
- personal alt lines +20£
- contest entry +40£ (2 full bodies + complex bg)