Min HuLi



4 years, 4 months ago


wei min huli 

"I will never blindly follow, nor blindly lead"
Basic Info

Name [HuLi]
Age [27]
Height [4'6]
Weight [107]
Gender [Distraction]
Species [Human (Cultivator)]
Birthday [June 9, 1992]
pronouns [He/they]
ethnicity [Chinese]
Occupation [Yiling Wei Head Disciple]
Orientation [???]
S/O [N/A]
Design Notes

  • Very pretty
  • Beauty mark under right eye
  • Straight, messy black hair
  • Pale blue eyes with long lashes
  • Always wearing earrings
  • Always dressed in Clan robes
  • Usually has a fan and a flute with him

  • Fatal Flaw: ???
  • Major Skills: Necromancy, Spirit Animals, Musical Cultivation
  • Minor Skills: Talisman Creation, Archery, Fan Dancing
  • Greatest Fear: ???
  • Theme: ???
  • Languages: Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Japanese, CSL (Chinese Sign Language), a little English
  • 敏 (Min) - Clever, sharp, quick
    護 (Hu) - Protect
    黎 (Li) - Black, dawn
  • He has a spirit fox named YinChen.
                                             荫 (Yin) - Protect
                                             辰 (Chen) - Dawn
  • His dizi is named Yueliang.
                                            月亮 (Yueliang) - Moon
  • His tassel to Yiling is a small fox carved out of moonstone.

HuLi's personality depends totally on where you meet him and when. 

As a child, he was quick to anger and rather foul-mouthed, often getting into fights with anyone and everyone. He was known as a menace among his seniors for his lack of care and utter disregard for anyone. 

After the Night Hunt accident, HuLi did a total 180. He became quiet and reserved, standing on the backlines during meetings and avoiding eye contact while smiling. He hid behind a shell of a personality, sweet and caring.

After he was shot, HuLi drew into himself for a few years. He mastered his facade, but was eventually brought out of his hiding by JianYu. After that, HuLi began to be a little like his old self, but instead of angry, he was mischievous. He began to pull harmless pranks on people, especially those that upset him, in a way to blow off steam. He still kept all of his actual emotions under guard and rarely showed what he felt. 


  • Dancing
  • Pretty things
  • Wordplay
  • Foxes
  • Music
  • Pranks

  • Being pressured
  • His body
  • Being asked the same thing multiple times
  • Mother figures
  • Father figures
  • Figures in general

HuLi was born into an unhappy marriage between a Wei cultivator and a rich merchant woman. They consummated and had HuLi before promptly splitting up, unable to handle being with each other. HuLi never knew his mother, as she rode off to who knows where. His father raised him the best he could, but every man has a folly. His father often spoke ill of his mother, and young HuLi took it to heart. His mother abandoned him, of course. From an early age, HuLi had an abundance of resentment, for his mother, for his father, for the cultural world looking down upon Wei cultivators. He always hid it well. HuLi only acted out once, during a Night Hunt, and ended up injuring a disciple from another sect by accident. He was punished heavily, and since then, kept every emotion behind a perfectly constructed mask. 

HuLi cultivated at an intense rate, soaring above his other disciples, but he often had trouble keeping his resentment in check. He excelled in many skills, but nothing pleased his father, who was still hung up over his failed marriage. This only caused HuLi's anger to grow. 

HuLi was never really announced Head Disciple, but it was obvious. The Sect Leader favoured the quiet prodigy, calling him Yiling Wei's Moonstone, as nobody notices how the moon controls the tides. Likewise, many people failed to realise HuLi was behind attacks until was the too late, and blade was at their throat. HuLi shone beautiful, and struck with deadly silence. 

Sometimes, though, he would thrust himself into the frontlines. Despite being small, he was ferocious in a fight, and diligently protected those under him.
Yiling Wei had a small kerfuffle with the government, and a riot ensued. HuLi, like usual, sat on the backlines, playing his dizi (bamboo flute), until he saw one of the government-sent policemen pull their gun. He ran in front of the disciple in the way and blocked the bullet... With his throat. The bullet tore through his throat and gently imbedded itself into the arm of the disciple behind him. HuLi was quickly carried back to Yiling for treatment. 

After three months of touch and go, he pulled through, but he'd never be able to use his vocal chords again, as they were completely torn up by the bullet. 

His father blamed himself and left Yiling, leaving HuLi alone. 

HuLi took rather well to having no voice, and threw himself once again into his studies. His dizi playing was said to be so emotional after that, that anyone listening would burst into tears. 


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.