Garret Draki



4 years, 3 months ago


Garret Martino Draki, "Hognose"

Born: July 4th, 1936

Age: 22 (1958, ref), 46 (1982)

Height: 5'8

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: Cancer

Garret is the fifth Draki child, and he was more than happy with it. He didn't want to lead, he just wanted to blow things up and invent new contraptions.

The nerdy loveable donut-chasing dumbass known as Garret is the family's designated demo guy, and spends the rest of his time building either torture devices or prosthetics. As a kid he used his tinkering skills to mostly create prank devices such as an air-bag like contraption that would blast a person in the face with flour after they triggered it. That was fun to explain-

Garret has an odd affinity for chickens. Like. Genuinely. The little buggers are attracted to him and listen to him incredibly well. As a child he adopted a big black rooster he named Poach who would follow him EVERYWHERE. Said rooster also had separation anxiety so if he was closed out of a room where Garret was he would crow, and crow, and crow until he could crow no more. Literally he'd pass out or lose his voice for a few days because he would just crow for Garret constantly. Now, he has a buff orpington hen with one wing named Scramble, she listens a bit better and will stay home without panicking, but she does get into a bit more trouble than her predecessor. 

He also has the oddest sense for donuts, and can tell you when and where a fresh batch of donuts is coming out at any given time within at least a five mile radius. This is why he is friends with a lot of police officers.

Lucy, his high school sweet-heart, settles down and becomes solely his after graduation and moves in with him and Roger short after. A few years later they're engaged, and mere months after that they're expecting parents. Garret and Lucy end up proud parents of FIVE, their first kiddo being Garret Jr.
He's the best dad-

When the family 'dissolves' he is presumed dead by the government after being shot through the lung by Ferdinand, and so doesn't have to worry too much about his reputation-
So he ends up a robotics teacher at the high school he was expelled from when he was a teenager.
He was expelled because he lost a high school friend, Ethan, to repeated head injuries playing football. Some kid made the mistake of insulting the deceased Ethan, and Garret lost his shit, beating the hell out of them.
Blamed himself for years for not keeping him off the field.

His scar comes from a malfunction on one of his prosthetics, a joint snapping and a bit of the metal snapping him in the face.