


4 years, 3 months ago


Nicknames Auntie

Pronouns she/her

Age 45 moons




Gillstar is an honourable leader, she never has time for petty squabbles and isn't scared to tell her clanmates if they are acting up. However cats will also notice that she has a rather motherly nature, and despite her no nonsense attitude she has been spotted tussling with apprentices, and acting kindly to cats down on their luck.

While she does not often speak on it, she has lost many cats in her life which doesn't seem to be discussed too much beyond private conversations in the corners of camp. Her brother and his mate died rather young leaving Gillstar to raise Troutspots during her deputyship. Her former mentor was killed and her best friend before her was Talonstar. There are whispers spread around camp that Gillstar had something to do with his death, the only basis being that his only daughter openly accused Gillstar of killing him.

However Gillstar leads her clan proudly and speaks highly of most cats in camp.


patient • wise • kind

mischievous • blunt • motherly

stubborn • aloof • enigmatic 

design notes

  • she has an underbite
  • long scar across her face running from the base of her left ear to the right side of her cheek 


Kithood (0-6 moons)

Gillkit was born with a single littermate that was named Finkit. Gillkit and her brother looked almost identical and were a very hectic duo. Their mother Streamswipe had her paws full, feeling almost harassed and tormented every day when she would settle into her nest only to leap back out because her children had left a wriggling worm for her to discover. Their pranks were harmless and annoying but the two kits were so happy that no cat could bare to stop them. A shriek was no longer alarming within camp and usually followed with the sound of kit's laughter as they scampered away from a startled warrior. They would go as far as to lay among the fish in the fresh-kill pile and when a warrior picked out a tasty looking pike they'd soon drop it as one of the fish sprang to life when Gill or Fin would burst out of the pile screeching!

Their father Flowerleap was distant, but would bring them little feathers and things to play with. However there was clearly a rift between himself and Streamswipe and they didn't really talk to one another. The kits never seemed to notice the issues between their parents, but they did wish that Flowerleap would tell them stories like the elders always had time to indulge them with. Flowerleap always seemed to be in a hurry to get out of the nursery. 

When the kits were five moons old their mother finally got Flowerleap to take care of them for the afternoon but she never returned. On her outing Streamswipe fell through some ice on the river, it had been weakened by a large animal earlier in the day. Unable to get back up after the current swept her away; Streamswipe drowned. 

Stricken with grief Gillkit and Finkit were suddenly no longer the pranksters of Riverclan. Flowerleap moved into the nursery to care for them but it was a cold and awkward relationship. Flowerleap tried his best but it was too late and he was mostly a stranger to his children. The moon passed by slowly with Gillkit and Finkit mostly comforting one another and keeping their distance from Flowerleap. 

Apprenticeship (6-18 moons)

Gillpaw was given Ripplerun as a mentor while Finpaw received Talonstar as his mentor: what an honour! The four would train together often, pushing on through the loss of their mother the two apprentices focused hard on their training which helped them cope. Gillpaw and Finpaw remained close through their training. They soon befriended another apprentice named Cloudpaw, she was a kind young molly who also shared their mischievous nature. Now it was the three apprentices who could be seen scaring their unsuspecting mentors. It was a big accomplishment among the three if they could startle Talonstar. Cats within the clan were happy to see Gillpaw and Finpaw come to life again, while the two had been heartbroken and mourning it had made the death of Streamswipe all the harder on the entire clan.

Several moons into their training Gillpaw and Finpaw got into trouble and were confined to camp for one moon when they snuck out of camp in the night for a swim in the river, but in doing so they crossed the windclan border when they challenged one another to a race to see which of them might be able to outrun a windclan cat. They were caught by a wandering warrior who marched them back to the Riverclan camp. Regardless of their loud protests about how it was an accident to cross the border the two got into trouble. Still they made the most of their situation and would hold their training sessions in camp, practicing fighting and continuing to sharpen their hunting skills on the minnows at the water's edge which surrounded camp. Talonstar and Ripplerun couldn't help but feel fond of the two young cats as they saw how their determination to be good warriors never faltered.

Gillpaw soon found a friend in Talonstar and so too did her brother and Cloudpaw. It had been a good experience for Talonstar to mentor an apprentice again, having felt that there was too much pain in the world of a leader he had pushed most cats away, becoming bitter and lonely within his den. Some cats respected his lead by fear, thinking that he would treat them strictly if they were to misbehave. With this newfound happiness he began to socialize more within his clan, and even became mates with a molly he had been an apprentice with many moons before. It was at this time that the current deputy Featherfoot passed away, and Ravenwave was appointed as the new deputy, Talonstar established a close bond with Ravenwave whereas before he had seemed to only interact with Featherfoot for clan business.

Warriorhood (18-29 moons)

 Gillpaw was given the name Gillclaw for her fighting kills and ability to hook a fish out of the water with her claws. Finpaw was named Finleap and Cloudpaw became Cloudsplash. The three were still great friends and would remain to be for the rest of their lives. Only one moon passed before Gillclaw was given her first apprentice. A Tom named Yellowpaw who was excitable and kind. Gillclaw poured all her time and effort into training the young cat. Making sure that he had each hunting and battle technique down properly. Yellowpaw appreciated the thorough instruction and began to grow into a fine young warrior. 

Finleap and Cloudsplash announced that they were mates. Gillclaw was the first to congratulate them, extremely happy for her brother and close friend. They told her that in the future they planned to have kits and Gillclaw boasted that they would like her better than the both of them. 

Soon after Talonstar's mate gave birth to a single she-kit. She was very weak, with two still-born brothers. Talonstar spent a lot of time in the nursery with his mate, but before long she too passed away due to complications with the birth. Talonstar became overwhelmed with grief, and could often be seen sitting at the entrance of the nursery with his daughter who he named Sparrowkit for her mother. The other queens helped him care for Sparrowkit, while Ravenwave would head to gatherings for him and take care of the clan's squabbles. Explaining to the clans that Talonstar was ill and would be returning to duty soon.
Gillclaw was often there for Talonstar as he grieved, she remembered well the loss of her mother. She helped him through the motions of grief and back on his feet. He spent some time helping to raise his daughter but soon it was time for him to step back up as Riverclan leader.

A small bout of Greencough swept through Riverclan, and was quickly cleared up due to a healthy supply of catmint. However Ravenwave couldn't seem to shake the illness that had gripped him. He died from green cough and it was time for a new deputy to be chosen. Imagine the surprise of the clan when Gillclaw's name was called. She was such a young cat but many recognized her as a friend of Talonstar. She seemed wise beyond her years, and the clan soon realized that while unexpected she was a good choice for deputy.

Deputyship (29-42 moons)

It was near the end of Yellowpaw's training that a band of rogues was spotted at the border by Gillclaw and Yellowpaw as they were on patrol with two other warriors. Gillclaw challenged the rogues and the patrol had a brief brawl with the rogues. They chased them out of clan territory and upon their return Talonstar made Yellowpaw a warrior. Naming him Yellowfur for his pelt colouration. Yellowfur and Gillclaw remained as close friends then, with Yellowfur looking up to Gillclaw as a parental figure.

Gillclaw was given a challenge; an apprentice named Badgerpaw. He was so rude and unpredictable that a senior warrior on the verge of retirement had requested to no longer be his mentor. Gillclaw told Talonstar that she could handle it.
The two would argue so loud that the clan would hear it echoing throughout camp and across the territory. Badgerpaw seemed to be the only cat that could thoroughly anger Gillclaw. Usually a calm and collected cat, it was a great accomplishment of Badgerpaw to get under her skin. But unlike his previous mentor and other cats in his life she would not back down, possibly she was more stubborn than Badgerpaw was.
Gillclaw's heart was warmed as Finleap and Cloudsplash welcomed Troutkit into the world. The she-kit was every bit as funny and kind as her mother and father, making Gillclaw easily attached to her. Feeling happy as she watched Finleap and Cloudsplash raise their daughter together. While they were doing this Gillclaw was wrapping up Badgerpaw's training. He was excellent at fighting, and lazy with hunting which held him back for two moons, however this wasn't much for Gillclaw as she had only pickd up his training a few moons before.. But finally he passed his warrior assessment and was named Badgertooth. Gillclaw and Badgertooth were happy to go their separate ways. And while Badgertooth would never admit it; he had learned a lot from his mentor.

When Troutkit was only two moons old there was a great tragedy. A flash flood during a storm swept several cats down the river. While Yellowfur managed to get away; Finleap and Cloudsplash were drown. Yellowfur was left to stumble alone back to camp and tell the camp through choked back tears what had happened. In the rain Gillclaw collapsed and waited as the search parties went out. Solemnly sitting vigil beside Troutkit and helping the elders to bury her dear friends.
The next day Gillclaw announced that she had to raise Troutkit, it was the least she could do in Finleap and Cloudsplash's memory, and Gillclaw knew that the child deserved to have a family.
Talonstar understood, knowing what he had gone through with his own loss. He promoted Ripplerun to be Riverclan's deputy while Gillclaw raised her niece. Gillclaw was comfortable knowing that the clan was in the safe care of her former mentor and close friend. She allowed herself the time to grieve. After all Finleap was her other half, she and her brother having always been so close they were nearly inseparable.
Raising Troutkit was difficult at first, Gillclaw could not explain to her why her parents had passed away. And both she and Troutkit had to come to terms with the fact that these things just happened. Gillclaw was a great mother to Troutkit, and raised her with all the love and care that her mother and father had been giving her before their deaths.

When Troutkit was only a quarter moon from her apprenticeship Ripplerun had a nasty run in with a fox on his patrol. He survived but only for a while. Brought back to camp by the patrol he was leading before he died later that night from his wounds. This was another hard loss for Gillclaw. But after a talk with Troutkit she was back to her deputy position the next morning. Pulling it together for the clan and for herself. She mourned her former mentor in private and with friends. But she was strong for the clan as they needed it. She watched Troutpaw be apprenticed to Yellowfur and become a fine young warrior over time. After her warrior ceremony where she was named Troutspots, Gillclaw's father Flowerleap had his retirement ceremony and became an elder. 

Some moons passed and all was well within the clan. However suddenly a warrior burst into camp saying that a band of rogues was on the border again. Gillclaw and Talonstar were quick to call together a patrol and deal with them. The rogues agreed to leave when Talonstar addressed them however when he let his guard down they swarmed him. The patrol was quick to react but it was too late. Talonstar was dead. Gillclaw received a terrible wound on her face as she fought off the rogues, killing the one that had struck down Talonstar. And while the patrol chased off the remaining few rogues, Gillclaw slumped down beside Talonstar and cried out in grief. Despite her hopes his breathing had stopped and her oldest living friend was dead. 

This was a terrible loss for Gillclaw, Talonstar had been her closest friend. But she knew what she must do now. For the next several days she went through the vigil and burial of Talonstar, with Lavenderbreeze tending to the terrible wound on her face. She was aware of rumours circulating around that Talonstar's only kin; Sparrowtail had accused her of murdering the great leader herself. But by the end of it she emerged from the medicine den with her head held high and took the name of Gillstar.

Leadership (42+ moons)

Gillstar is now leader of Riverclan. She appointed Finsplash as her deputy and now leads her clan with all the wisdom and experience that Talonstar and her friends and family passed onto her throughout her life. 



Troutspots • niece

She was raised by Gillstar after the sudden death of her mother and father. Being the only family the she-kit had left Gillclaw had stepped down from her deputy position temporarily to raise her in memory of her brother and his mate. Gillstar loves Troutspots more than life and would do anything for her. 

Badgertooth • ...

Gillstar mentored this cat, but they never really got along and they do not talk often.

lavenderbreeze • friend

Gillstar trusts Lavenderbreeze with any news or secrets and often confides in her about current affairs within the clan(s).