
4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Henry Edwards
Goes by: Henry
Nicknames: Harry, ‘Enry
Personal Pet Names: Sweetie

Class: Lower Class
Title: N/A,
-He came from the streets

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him

Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Complicated
Oscar was the first love of his life and is still heartbroken by his death
It’s complicated, he finds the other rather attractive but also rather complicated with his status.

Species: Ampha
Fur Ears (UC)
2 Colour markings ( UC ) Two shades of sort of caramel brown
Spines ( UC )
Dragon Wings (UC)
Black Sclera (R )
Double Armoured tail with spikes ( R)

Body Type: Well built with some muscle, but still considered rather skinny and tall
Height: 6”6
Dress: Casual Formal, but more on the tattered end

Personality: Henry tries to act more closed off then he actually is, in reality he’s incredibly loving and friendly, his heart open to almost a fault. He’s hard working but not too serious, he enjoys playing and naivety, he won’t bully anyone for their beliefs or behaviours. Though, he will sit someone down and let them down gently if they’re going to fall hard. Henry can snap though; he won’t take anything from those being ridiculous or unfair to others or being nasty. People on the receiving end of Henry’s rage can’t believe that he’s normally far softer, and he’s frightened many people by showing this other side of him.

Friends: Harry, Franny, Bunty & Tommy
-Harry and Franny were his first friends and helped him to turn his life around

-Henry is very much of the belief that you chose your family not that they’re the people you’re born to, this is why he is rather family centric.
-Even now Henry has ‘redeemed’ himself more, he’s not fully capable of living his life with the streets and mafia behind.
-Henry is a surprisingly soft singer and sings when alone, however will not do so if he thinks anyone else may even vaguely hear him.
-Has a Yellow Plasmaball Potion

Voice Claim: Patrick Page -Hadestown
Theme Song: Epic III -Hadestown or Taurnado -Centaur World