06. Shirogane Chikao



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

To do list:

Finish front page profile

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Name Shirogane Chikao
Called Chikao
Age 14 [1260] | 17 [1263]
Gender Male
Race Human
Role Shinobi
Jobs N / A
Height 5'2" (158.5 cm) [1263]
Chakra Nature Water | Suiton
Rank Genin
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex.


  • Daydreaming
  • stitching
  • embroidery
  • bird watching
  • the color red
  • collecting marbles
  • adding to his Ninja Info Card collection


  • Cool color hues
  • being ignored
  • being talked over
  • Nighttime
  • stale foods
  • His sister messing with his marble or card collections
  • Disorder (such as messes mainly)


Chikao Shirogane was born into his clan with an older sister. His older sister’s margins of success were always significantly better than his. He’s always been used to being pushed aside for her sake and used to being overlooked for that matter. He had some lingering discontempt for his sister because of this, however, they were only thoughts and he never acted on them. Both because he knew he couldn’t and he didn’t want to disrespect his clan. He does love his sister and is quite jealous of her achievements.

Since his mother played a huge role in both of his sister’s life while Chikao’s father had a major role in his. His father was always around him when he needed something and rarely ever let him down. His father always told him to look at the upside of a situation as opposed to the downside of it. “The grass is always greener” was a phrase he often heard. After he started to attend the Ninja Academy, Chikao started seeing the world his father saw. Or attempted to at least. He realized that there were vastly different worlds around him and he was only residing in one of them.

Since his older sister is only a year older than him, he saw her a lot at the Academy. He often ran around getting whatever she needed. Whether it was doing her homework or getting snacks; if she asked, he didn’t question it. As he got older, he was just used to his sister asking him to do things in her stead. Such as buying tools, scrolls, or whatever she needed. He started to feel like he was just a tool to be used after a while. That he wouldn’t amount to much and seeing his sister continue to surpass him and succeed only cemented this idea. Seeing the other women in his clan doing just as well also made him realize this eventuality as well. His needs were always going to be left aside, no matter how hard he fought against it. His sister taunted him about his low confidence and lack of being able to do anything from time to time. His mother even added onto it as well. His father was the only person that tried to bring him up or show him a different perspective on things.

After graduating, Chikao has wondered if his overall use was preferred or just pushed upon him. When he left his home to travel to Kosetsumura, he felt like his view was heavily one-sided. That there was a big world compared to the one he lived in. After the Fourth Akarikage’s death, seeing the whole village mourn his death felt like an eye-opener to him. The small world he lived in only felt smaller in comparison. The following years motivated him to build himself up, or at least try to. The heroes he looked up to were well-loved and remembered by various individuals. So instead of looking down, he started looking up. Wanting to aspire to something or at least be memorable to someone.


Chikao is a nervous wreck. He doesn’t think very highly of himself, has low self-esteem, and just feels like a waste of space amongst his clan. He puts on airs, making others believe he’s full of himself but he’s more insecure than confident. He tends to pep talk himself here and there to try and put himself in a better mood. Often telling himself “maybe something great will happen” or “you’ll be able to get the money to buy more info cards”.

He doesn’t believe he’ll amount to much so he wants to be sure he can amount to something amongst his friends and peers. He tries his best to not appear down around others, often forcing a smile or upbeat attitude to not appear as a burden to those he cares for. If he does have a moment where he’s put down in front of people, he’ll try to isolate himself until he feels a bit better. Either looking through his collection of Ninja Info Cards or counting the marbles he carries with him.

He prefers to be around men than women but only because he doesn’t feel like other men are going to ignore or dismiss him. He’s respectable towards women and even more so if they’re from his clan. He’s less animated around them, often just steering clear of them if he’s able to or avoiding their gaze. He feels he’s better to be seen than heard around women and tries his best to keep that ideal in mind around them. It’s not because he’s wary or fearful of them, it’s more of an upbringing mindset his mother drilled into his head.

Chikao, when it comes down to it, just wants to flourish at his own pace. Even if it’s not going to be considerable, but enough for him to feel confident in himself. He does catch himself daydreaming about situations or reminiscing on past conversations. Mostly wondering how things would go if he had acted differently or said something else. His lack of confidence is only through social interactions. When it comes down to it, he’s more than aware of what’s expected of him as a Shinobi. He sets his mind to whatever task he’s given and he’s not afraid to sacrifice himself for the mission.

He hopes to one day matter to someone or inspire some inkling of hope in someone. He looks back at the past Akarikage and draws his strength and sense of duty from their legendary stories.



Shirogane Aina [ Mother ]

Aina has prioritized her daughter's well-being over her son's. She's instilled his sense of duty to his clan and has no other expectations of him aside from serving his purpose to the Shirogane.


Shirogane Arata [ Father ]

Arata has always been more involved in Chikao's life. He's made sure Chikao was looked after, provided for, able to find something to do and so on. One day, after he went into the village for an errand, he came back home with a card pack for Chikao. Hoping that having a hobby would make coping with his subservient role easier on his son. Much to his surprise, Chikao went wild for wanting to collect more Ninja Cards. He's tried to keep up with all the cards and tracked down some harder to obtain ones. He doesn't fully understand Chikao's fervor towards collecting the cards but loved that his son has such an avid interest in them.


Character [ relationship ]

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Kitsune Hoshiko [ Teammate ]

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Character [ Teammate ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Shirogane Naomi [ Maternal Cousin ]

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Shirogane Aime [ Maternal Cousin ]

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