


4 years, 7 months ago


For most of his life, Bentley was a stray. He lived his first few months with humans, but was eventually dropped off in a ditch, abandoned. From then on, he had to fend for himself. Life was harsh. The mountain township of Cedarville is prone to snowy weather, so he had to survive the cruel conditions of the town's environment. Not only is the weather oftentimes ruthless, but predators lurk throughout the pines. While Bentley did his best to avoid the woods and stick to the streets, he had to face off a hungry fox whilst scavenging, resulting in his lost leg.

One dreary night, Bentley heard the distinct sound of a kitten mewing coming from a ditch. He approached slowly, concerned yet apprehensive. As he approached, he saw a black, fluffy figure with bright orange eyes looking back at him. The poor thing had been dumped by its humans, left alone to potentially die. The kitten reminded Bentley of himself -- alone and unloved, cast aside like a used toy. He immediately took the young cat under his protection.

Knowing the dangers of the outside world, he decided that he would take the kitten to the animal shelter. Despite Bentley's distrust of humans, he knew that it would be the safest place for the kitten. As the two of them searched for the shelter, Bentley bonded with the kitten, viewing them as the little sibling he never had. They eventually found the shelter and Bentley dropped the kitten off, with some hesitation. He hid within the bushes, watching as a human took the kitten inside. With a sudden flash of courage, Bentley stepped forward, mewing. The human saw him and outstretched her hand, inviting him to come closer. Gulping down his apprehension, Bentley walked towards the human, following her as she opened the door and went inside the shelter.


A good survivor. Good at "braving the elements." Hesitant, cautious. A kind, caring heart. Protective. Doesn't trust others easily.