50 points Crow's Comments

Is he still available?

anyone here for him https://toyhou.se/Alphawolf2112/characters/folder:5438993






Crow is an assassin and he kills those who do wrong. He is very silent but he won't do much harm unless he is told to by his bosses. He is a very calm and quiet person who likes to keeps to himself. He always has his gun on hand in case he needs it. He is hoping to one day be free from his job and find someone special. He isn't much for being alone but due to being an assassin no one really wants him around. Due to the fear that one day he mind have to kill them

I actually have an idea that he and Lorenzo have a little rivalry between them.
Yoko work and crow work together at the same job.

(I have a whole oc universe going on now, I’ll be sure to give you credit and give him to you when the ideas die out/ I loose connection with him)

I suppose but really starting to get a tad upset that you keep using my stories. As I said twice already I just come up with the stories on the spot and I make them up for how I see the character for myself. Yes I love the characters which is why I did the whole write to adopt in the first place in hopes of getting them. No I'm not mad just don't want my stories changed. Because when I wrote my stories I didn't really plan on any of the characters knowing each other other than the dragons. But do as you please just won't be keeping the stories you come up with once I get them in the future because I plan on doing my own thing with them.

I don’t plan on changing this ones story.

also yea I do know how that feels sorry.

I'm just letting you know because I won't keep the stories you make for any of them. Just thought I'd warn you just incase it's a problem. It's fine I'm just picky about my characters and their stories.