Iiltak Inbristylle



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Iiltak Inbristylle
Age millenia
Build anything, or planet
Species Inbristylle (planet)
Gender planet
Orient. Optional
Pronouns They/It
Height 6' 4", 6' 10" with horns
Role Security/Intern
Abilities Shapeshifter, Pseudopsychic

pretty socially unaware and clumsy with interaction when meeting a new culture and even ones they already know- as a singular entity existing alone before fragmenting they aren’t used to interacting with. Anyone, ever. Relatively speaking they’ve spent far longer alone than they have exploring and interacting with the rest of the universe.


there are about 20 members of the species and they’re all fragments of a larger consciousness that is their origin planet, Inbristylle, which they all use as their surname and are referred to as Inbristyllans, more info on them below

They have to visit their origin planet every few years to rejuvinate their bodies which are essentially made of bio-active clay straight from the planet itself to keep themselves soft n flexible. Their hair also rarely needs cleaning,they’re made out of weird alien clay and sometimes needs to be picked through thoroughly with sharp thin tools, but if they’re within a year of refreshment they can sort of liquify their hair and let any debris drip out. Their hair will remain thoroughly greasy no matter if its washed, from the clay oils keeping it soft. but past a year, it hardens too much to fully soften and needs a lot more work to pick debris out. If they’re within a year they can also shapeshift, usually maintaining the pale eyes, greasy hair and larger near-prehensile ears.

They have four arms, horns and harder bumps along their bodies and ears and as they age until they return to their home planets, they slowly start to harden and dry out causing the hard bumpy patches to spread and start to disturb joint movements and bodily function.

The horns are the first to suffer from it, and will often start to crack off and lose their tips. If more than three years pass between visit, the horns will likely fall off at the bases, leaving crumbling divots in their heads where the horns were.

Their senses of taste and smell are almost nonexistent but their hearing is far superior to human hearing, and have better eyesight. In combination with their hearing they can sometimes use the vibrations of movement and infrared-adjacent vision to sense movement through solid walls. They can also communicate with other fragments telepathically within a certain distance- they used to, and still kind of do, share a common consciousness, after all.


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theme credit | vom